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Annabeth's POV

I didn't know what my friends would say when I introduced Percy to them but as soon as Piper was finished staring at him, she pulled me aside to talk to me. 

"I can't believe you know the new kid. He's really hot", she exclaimed with a huge smile on her face.

"Don't you have a boyfriend?", I tease her and laugh

She rolls her eyes at me and laughs, "I love Jason but Percy is"

"I met him in mythology class this morning. He came and sat beside me", I say with a huge smile on my face.

"OMG", Piper squeals, "I totally ship you guys"

"ugh", I say to Piper and roll my eyes.

Piper is totally boy crazy. She's been dating Jason for two years and she is totally in love with him. Piper always tries to set me up with boys but I don't like any of them. I like my boyfriends to be sweet, kind and funny. Not dumb, arrogant and annoying. All of the boys that Piper has tried to set me up with has either been a dumb jock who didn't care about me or an arrogant guy who cares more about school than girls. All of them didn't like me and I hated them as well. 

I look over and see Jason and Percy talking to each other like they've been friends for a long time. Piper and I walk back over to the table and I sit across from Percy. 

"What class do you have next?", Percy asks me

"Architecture", I reply, "That's my favourite subject besides mythology

"Cool", he replies, "My favourite subject is marine biology"

I go back to eating my lunch and the entire time, Piper is staring at Percy, probably trying to figure out if he would be a good boy for me. I don't know Percy that well but I really like him. He  so carefree and kind. He was one of the only kids in the school who didn't think of me as a freak. Not to mention his eyes were beautiful.

"So, Percy", Leo starts, "Are you and Annabeth a couple?"

My face starts to turn red and I give Leo a mean look but Percy turns to me and gives me a smirk. Gods, he was hot. 

"Nah", he answers, "We're friends"

"For now", I hear Piper mumble under her breath

I elbow her in her side and she starts to laugh. That's when I hear Clarisse and her group come up behind me.

"You must be Percy", I hear her say. I don't turn around because I know this is going to get bad. 

"Yeah", Percy says, "I'm Percy"

"Why would you want to stay with Annabeth? She's a loser", she says and I can hear laughter coming from her group of friends. 

"Excuse me?", Percy says and I can hear the anger in his voice, "She's not"

"She is", she answers, "Why don't you come and sit with my friends. You can meet much more attractive girls. Like me"

"I'm okay over here", he answer and I hear some kids laughing but they immediately stop when Clarisse gives them a mean look. 

Percy was so sweet for sticking up for me. I couldn't believe that he'd rather stay with me than go with Clarisse and her cool friends. I fight the urge to stand up and hug him but that would be too awkward. 

"You're missing out on an opportunity to be cool", Clarisse says in a mean voice.

"Let's see how cool it is when I beat you up", Frank says standing up from his seat. 

Clarisse sighs in frustration and her group of friends finally started to leave. That's when she comes up behind me and grabs my ponytail and yanks it down. I almost fall of my seat because of the pain in my neck and the fact that she was holding head back. I can see Percy starting to get out of his eat to help me but one of Clarisse's guy friends goes and holds him back.

"He'll never like you", she whispers in my ear.

 I feel her hand let go of my ponytail and a loud scream escapes from Clarisse's mouth. She let go of my ponytail so fast that I fall back out of my seat and hit m head on the ground. I start to get dizzy and I see spots in front of my eyes. The last thing I see is Percy pushing Clarisse and her falling into the chairs. Then he comes and pushes through the group of people surrounding me and kneels down beside my head. He had a worried look on his face and I have to admit he looked really cute when he was worried, his eyebrows get all scrunched together. I don't have time to finish my thought before I black out.

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