Gym Class

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Annabeth's POV

The next day, I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock and start to get ready for school. I keep on thinking about Percy and how he had asked for my number. He hasn't texted me yet. Is that a bad sign? Did I do something wrong? I put on a pair of skinny jeans a random sweatshirt and then make my way downstairs. I quietly sneak out of my house so that my evil step-mother won't hear me and then start making my way to Piper's. 

At Piper's mansion

"Hey Piper", I say as I sit down at her table for breakfast, "What's up?"

"Nothing", she replies, "So tell me everything about you and Percy"

"Well there isn't much to say, it's just that I really like him and I think he likes me. I don't want to rush into anything though"

"Come on Annabeth, you guys would be so cute together omg!", she squeals

I laugh and roll my eyes at her. 

Once we finish breakfast, we realize the time and hurry to school. On the way, Piper talks to me about her relationship with Jason. But the entire time, I couldn't take my mind off of Percy. 

We pull up into the parking lot and climb out of the car.  

We walk to the front entrance and go talk to Jason, Frank, Hazel, Leo and Percy who were standing near the door.

"Hey guys", I say with a smile on my face. 

"Hey", they all answer back 

"What class do you guys have?", Piper asks

"Gym", Percy and I said at the exact same time

"Well I guess I'll see you there", Percy says to me, laughing

The bell for class rings and I quickly walk to my locker and then to the gym. Once I get changed into my gym uniform, I leave the change room and walk into the gym to wait for the Coach's instructions. Coach Hedge is a short man but he's very strong and he'll make you do push-ups if you mess anything up.

"Good Morning Cupcakes. Today were doing volleyball" screams the Coach

There were collective groans from the class and we start to go get the balls from the storage room. 

"Everyone get into partners", Coach yells

I look around the gym for a partner when I heard Percy behind me

"Um Annabeth", he says shyly, "Do you want to be my parter?"

"Sure", I say with a smile

We grab the volleyball and started doing a warmup. Percy is really good at volleyball and whenever I make a mistake, we both laugh and continue playing. After a while, the Coach yells that its time to play a game. He makes the teams and me and Percy are together again on the team. 

"Okay Percy and Annabeth, stay off for the first round", orders the Coach. Percy and I walk over the bench and then he starts telling me jokes. 

"You have beautiful eyes", Percy says

"Thanks", I reply, "I like yours as well"

"Listen, Annabeth", Percy starts to say, "I know that we've only known each other for one day but I really like you. You're smart, beautiful and really funny. Maybe we can go out sometime. Only if that's okay with you"

I start to freak out internally and I can feel my cheeks getting red.

"I'd love to", I tell Percy

"Awesome", he replies with a smile on his face, "I'll text you the details"

Coach Hedge blows the whistle and it was time for us to get changed for the next class. I can't stop thinking that I had actually found someone that I like. I can't wait for our date. 

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