The Day of the Date

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Annabeth's POV

I still can't believe that yesterday Percy asked me on a date. My heart is still beating so fast and I can't help but smile everywhere I go. After school, I walk home and I don't even care when I have to do the dishes and the laundry because I'm going on a date!

I wake up in the morning and remember what happened yesterday and a big smile comes across my face. I run to the bathroom and brush my teeth and pull my wavy blonde hair into a ponytail. Then, to add more to my outfit, I add a little bit of mascara and some lip gloss. The entire time, I get ready, I'm smiling and humming to myself. 

I stand in front of my closet and wonder what to wear. My outfit has to be perfect for he date so I spend a lot of time on this. After a lot of trying on outfits and making a huge mess, I decide on a black skirt, a maroon long sleeved shirt and some black tights and booties. 

I run down the stairs as quietly as I can so I don't wake up my brothers and go into the kitchen to make my sandwich. After I finish packing my lunch, I put on my shoes and run out the door,. On my way to Piper's house, I think of how perfect I want the date to go tonight. I'm so freaking excited that I am finally going on a date. 

I walk up the stairs to Piper's mansion and even before I can knock on the door, the door swings open and Piper in standing there in her pyjamas and fuzzy slippers, squealing. 


I take a step into her house and she runs up to me and gives me the biggest hug ever. In the process, I get a mouthful of her dark brown hair in my mouth. 

"You're suffocating me", I try and say but it's hard to talk when someone is squeezing your ribs.

"Sorry", she says as she lets go of me, "I was just really excited that my best friend is going on a date with the hottest boy at school, besides Jason"

I roll my eyes and laugh at her

"So,when's the big day?", she asks as she runs up the stairs to her room, with me following. 

"We're going on a date tonight at the pizza place down the street", I reply with a smile on my face

"That's the best first date place", Piper squeals again, "That's where Jason took me on a first date and look at us now"

Once Piper is done getting changed into jeans and a t-shirt, we all back down her stairs and into her kitchen. We sit down at the huge table just as her chef comes and places a huge stack of pancakes and whipped cream in front of both of us. Once we finish eating, we head into Piper's car and drive to school, the entire time Piper squeals about how cute of a couple Percy and I would be. 

We get to school and after stopping by our lockers, we meet Jason, Hazel, Frank and Percy by the stairwell where we usually meet in the morning. We walk over to everyone and I see Percy smile when he sees me. His sea green eyes sparkle and I smile to think about how lucky I am that he likes me. Piper sees me smile and gives me a nudge. I turn to look at her and give her a stare which makes her stop immediately.

"Hi Annabeth", Percy says to me as Piper and I walk over to the stairs. 

"Hey", I reply

He stands beside me the entire time and once the bell rings, he walks with to my class.

"What class do you have?", he asks me as we walk down the hallway. I see people staring at me and I try to just focus on Percy. 

"Architecture", I reply

"I have biology", he answers with a frown, "Well, I'll see you after class"

We say our goodbyes and then we both go our separate ways to class. The entire class, I just keep thinking about Percy and how he would make an awesome boyfriend. I really hope that things worked out between us and he wouldn't just be another one of my friends. 

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