My messed up family

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Later at night on the first day of school

Annabeth's POV

Today has been one of the worst days of my life. first, I had to deal with Clarisse all day and now I have to go home to my mean stepmother. I walked into the door of my apartment and immediately, I was hit in the face with a piece of lego. My twin step-brothers, Bobby and Mathew were sitting at the front door holding lego pieces and throwing them everywhere. My step-brothers were only 5 years old and they loved me but my step-mother won't let them go near me. My step-mother may see very nice but she thinks I'm crazy. She hates me because I remind her of my dad's previous wife, my mother. Her goal in life is to make my life horrible and she's succeeding. She doesn't let me eat at the dinner table unless my dad is there. My dad thinks she's so nice to me but she's not.

"Hey Bobby, Hey Mathew", I bent down and give them high fives

Right when I give them high fives, the evil step-mother comes in.

"What do you think you're doing with my kids?", she asks with a mean smirk on her face, "Don't turn them into freaks like you. Now hurry, theres a pile of dirty dishes in the kitchen waiting for you.

I put down my backpack and pull my hair up into a messy bun. I run into the kitchen and start doing the dishes. There were so many dishes there, it took me one hour and then of course, I had to dry them and put them away as well. As I was doing this, my step-mother was sitting in the living room with a magazine, yelling at me to go faster. 

When I'm done the dishes, I quickly grab a snack and run up to my room. My room is a guest room. When my step-mother came to live with us, she took my bedroom and gave it to Bobby and Mathew. She gave me the guest bedroom which is filled with all of her clothes and crap. If I touch any of her clothes, she would yell at me and force me to sleep on the floor in the living room. I don't even have a desk in my room so I have to do my homework on the bed. As I go to sit down, my phone dings and when I go to see it, its a text from Piper. It says, "Heard there's a new guy coming to our school. I pick up my phone and reply back with, "I hope he's cute".  I finish my homework quickly and try to do some before my step-mother calls me down to clean up after their dinner. Right as I'm finishing up the last question, the doorbell rings. 

"Frederick", my step-mother says, "I didn't know you were coming home today"

As soon as I hear my dad's name, I smile to myself and close my laptop and run out of my room to go give my dad a hug. My dad is always out of town for work so when he comes home I get rally excited. I barely see him every month and I love it when he comes home, even if it's just for a few days. When my dad is home, my step-mother doesn't treat me as bad because she wants to show my dad that she is so nice. But as soon as my dad leaves the house, she os back to her mean self.

"Dad!", I explain as I run down the stairs, almost falling half of the way.

"Annabeth", my dad says and pulls me into a hug, "You've grown so much"

"I missed you dad", I tell him with a smile on my face.

"I missed you too", he replies

"Come everyone, dinner is ready", my step-mother says and shoots me a dirty look. When my dad isn't home, she doesn't let me eat with her at the dinner table. Only when my dad is home, I'm allowed to eat with them so she can she my dad that she loves me. 

I take my seat at the far end of the table, in between Bobby and Mathew. My step-mother comes around and serves us all the food. Today, we were having salad and chicken and of course, she gives me the smallest piece of chicken and the least amount of salad. I don't say anything because if I do, she'll get mad at me.

"Annabeth doesn't have enough chicken or salad", my dad says to my step-mom with a concerned look on his face.

"She'll be fine. Won't you Annabeth", she turns towards me and puts a mean look on  her face. 

She continues giving me the same look and I know if I say something wrong, she'll kill me.

"It's enough", I reply with a sign. For good measure, I force a smile on my face but my dad doesn't buy it. 

"I know that that's not enough food for Annabeth", my dad says to my step-mom, "Give her some more or I will"

My step-mother sighs in reluctance and gives me some more food. We eat our meal in silence and when we're done, I go around and collect the dirty plates. My dad tries to help me wash the dishes but I say no because I know my step-mom will get mad at me. I go into the kitchen and  wash the plates as fast as I can so I can go upstairs and be by myself. 

I finish my homework and then watch Netflix on my computer but by then it starts to get late so I lie down in my bed and close my eyes. I was lying there for a few minutes when I hear the door to my room open. My dad comes into the room and sits on the edge of my bed.

"Annabeth, I got you this", he says with a sincere smile on his face. 

I open my eyes and he's holding a silver bracelet with an owl charm in the middle.

"Thank you Dad", I exclaim and give him a huge hug. "I really missed you when you were gone"

He nods and leans over to kiss the top of my head. He gives me one last smile and leaves the room. I fall asleep clutching the charm bracelet that he gave me.

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