The First Day

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Annabeth's POV

I walked into my math class on my first day of grade 11, trying to avoid all the mean stares and glances, and looked around for an empty desk. I look for the desk that is the farthest away from all the other people because I know what will happen if I sit near them. They would start making faces to their friends and they would all laugh at me and move their desks away. I have been going to Goode since I was 14, in grade 9 and now I'm 16 and the people her still make fun of me. Every school that I have ever been to, I have always been the one being picked on and I don't know why.

I find a desk at the very far desk at the back of the room. It had a broken leg and writing all over it. Of course, no one comes to sit next to me. As I begin pulling books out of my plain black Jansport  I see a big shape come over me. I cringe because I know who it is but I still look up from my desk and of course it's Clarisse and her friends standing in front of me. Clarisse is the biggest bully in our school and makes fun of everyone so she could get all the attention. Not only is she pretty but she's also really rich and all the boys love her.

"Look who's back for another year of bullying", Clarisse snickered and said to her group which consisted of her friends, Brooke and some other people who I didn't know.

"Leave me alone Clarisse", I said back, looking down at my desk. At this time, people start to crowd around my table and watch from their seats so they can see what's going on. I see some people looking at me with sympathy on their faces but most people are laughing with their phones recording the whole thing. 

Of course, I knew that this whole fight would be on Instagram later today. Everyone in the school would know about this by lunch but of course, I'm used to it. 

"Aww, how cute", Clarisse turned to her friends, "She wants me to leave her alone. Well too bad"

Before I could do anything, I feel a strong hand grab my ponytail and yank it backwards. I feel a strong pain shoot up the back of my neck and into my skull. Before I could say anything, Clarisse and her friends turn around, laughing, and head back to their desks.I slowly pull my head up and all I see are spots in my eyes. I feel a headache start to form at the back of my head but as I always do, I pretend everything is fine.

With tears in my eyes, I put my head down on the table and wait for the spots dancing in front of my eyes to disappear. I hear the teacher walk into the class and I quickly lift my head up, regretting it because the pain was even worse. As I open up my books, I still see people staring and snickering at me but of course, I ignore it, like I always do. 

At Lunch in the Cafeteria

As I walk to the cafeteria, I push my way through the crowded hallway and out of the corner of my eyes, I see people staring and pointing at me. I didn't need to check my phone to know that the video of me and Clarisse had already been viewed over 1,000 times. I try my best to ignore it but it's hard to ignore people laughing and snickering at just you. 

I make it to the cafeteria with my lunch and look around for my friends, Piper and Hazel. Piper and Hazel are my only friends here at Goode. They are kind of popular but they always hang out with me, which I think is because they feel bad for me even though they deny that. We'v been friends since grade nine and have gotten really close over the years. Sitting with them is Hazel's boyfriend Frank and Piper's boyfriend Jason as well as Leo who just hangs out with them. 

"Hey Piper", I say as I sit down on the bench beside her and pull out my lunch.

"How's your head?", Leo snickers as he takes a bite out of his sandwich. Leo's not really mean, he just has a weird sense of humour. 

"Leo!", Piper scolds him. She turns around to me and rolls her eyes, making me laugh which then causes another shot of pain to shoot up my neck. "Ow", I say as I massage the back of my neck.

"Annabeth, why didn't you go to the nurse?", Hazel asks me with concerned eyes.

"It's not that big of a deal", I explain as I continue to rub my neck.

"Bu-", Just as Piper starts talking Frank and Jason come over and jump down onto the bench beside their girlfriends. This distracts Piper and Hazel and I pray that they forget about the whole thing so they aren't so concerned. 

I pull out my lunch and I'm was greeted with the same lunch that I get everyday. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich and an apple. My stepmother doesn't care about me so she makes s me a sandwich everyday. Of course, my father is never home to see her treat me this way but it doesn't matter because he probably wouldn't care either. But a sandwich is better than no food at all so I can't complain. I took a bite of my sandwich and then I heard noises coming from behind me. I turn around and I see a bunch of people behind me and Clarisse is standing in the middle holding a plate of spaghetti. Just as I turn around, she throws the plate and it lands right in the middle of my face. The whole cafeteria goes silent and then everyone starts to laugh. The only people who aren't laughing in the cafeteria are me and my friends. I feel tears stinging in my eyes but I refuse to start crying. Spaghetti sauce drips off of my face and into my lap and it covers my hair as well. 

"Hey, stop treating our friend like that", Piper yells to Clarisse

"Yeah leave her alone you big bully", Jason says standing up and trying to look intimidating. 

"What are you going to do if I don't leave her alone?", Clarisse teased and all of her friends laugh.

"Then I'm gonna punch you so hard that you'll--", Jason started

"Don't worry Jason", I cut him off

I feel more tears singing my eyes and I know I can't hold them back so I run out of the cafeteria as fast as I can and run down the hallway into the nearest bathroom. I can hear everyone in the cafeteria still laughing and I can also hear footsteps running after which are probably Hazel and Piper. I run into the nearest stall and the tears start streaming down my face. 

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