My Horrible Life

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Annabeth's POV

I make it to math class just as the second bell rang. I still have a smile on my face about my encounter with the new (and attractive) kid. The entire class, I couldn't stop thinking about him. The way his sea green eyes sparkled and his dark hair that was just gorgeous. I know that a loser like me would never be able to date such an attractive kid like him but a girl can still dream. The girls in my school would be all over Percy already. I was so busy daydreaming about Percy that I didn't even realize when the teacher called my name to answer a question. 

"Annabeth?", Mrs. Williams said

"Wha- What?", I stutter and wipe the thought of Percy away.

"I asked you what the formula is for pythagorus theorem?", she asks again with a confused look on her face. 

"Oh right, the formula is a squared plus b squared equals c squared", I reply quickly so people can stop staring at me. 

"Great job. I didn't think you were paying attention", the teacher added

Right then, the bell rang and I quickly gathered my stuff for the next class. Next I had mythology, my favourite class with my favourite teacher Mr. Brunner. As I walk out of math class, I see Clarisse and Silena standing outside of my class, waiting for me. I try not to make eye contact with them and just continue walking but of course, they see me and have to make my day worse than it was before. 

"Hey Annie", Clarisse sneered

"Leave me alone Clarisse", I reply quickly and try to get out as fast as I can. 

Clarisse quickly stuck her foot out in front of me and when I tried to walk away, I fell right in the middle of the hallway. Again, I feel pain in my leg and my neck. I rub my hand on my neck and try to get rid of the pain. 

"Hahaha", Clarisse laughs with Silena and turns back to me, "You're such a loser"

I quickly gather my books off of the ground and I run away. As I run, I feel tears running down my face. I couldnt stop the tears from coming down because I was so mad. I was mad at my family for being so mean, my dad for never being home and at my school for bullying me. I ran into the bathroom and into a stall. I sit on the toilet seat and I let my tears flow. I hear the door to the bathroom open and footsteps running in

"Annabeth?", I hear Piper say to me

"Yeah?", I sniffled

"Come out Annabeth. You can't listen to them. They're horrible to you", Piper says

I walk out of the stall and Piper was there waiting for me. She handed me tissues and waited until I wiped away my tears. When I was done crying, she pulls out her makeup bag and wipes away my mascara and puts a fresh coat of it on.   

"Annabeth", Piper says, concerned, "You have to stand up to them. I'm gonna get Jason to do it for you"

"No" I protest, "don't worry about it. It's just going to get worse if I try to do something about it"

"Come on. I'm gonna walk with you to mythology"

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