Chapter 1- First Encounters

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Emma's POV

Emma Swan slut,whore,hobo,freak those are just a few of the colorful terms I've been called in my first year of college. But you know what I've been through a lot worse then some mean names. I'm grateful I'm even in this college so I get up and go to class like the rest. Well that was before Killian Jones and this is our story.

I wake up to the blare of my alarm 4:30 a.m. Great .. I think as I hop out of bed. I live in a rat infested apartment with a small bathroom and a bed. And the bathroom doesn't even work. Yep that's right I do my laundry shower and basically do everything else out. I quickly pop on my glasses because I ran out of contact lenses and don't have the money for them and put on a pair of old jeans and a shirt. I whip my matted hair into a high poney then off to the gass station.

I set my backpack outside and walk in. At this point the guy who works here must think somethings up with me but whatever. I scurry into the bathroom and brush my teeth quietly as possible. After I go to buy something to eat but have no money. Damn it have work tonight at least it's pay day. I think as I walk out of the gas station. I work at a small veterinarian clinic to earn some money. I look at my phone and I'm just in time for my first class this semester. Animal Anatomy with Mr.Saul.

I walk into the class and get a few stares. Probably for appearance and sit down in the back. I sit alone for about half the class until a kid with a boat load of leather on walks through the door. What an ass walks through the door so late and looks like he owns the place. "Ah Mr.Jones so lovely of you to join us what's your accuse?" Mr.Saul speaks up. "I'm afraid I don't have one sir just forgot to set my alarm." Jones shrugs it off. "Well Killian I'm feeling generous since it's the first day but don't be late again! Also since your late no blabbing today go sit down next to Ms.Swan." Everyone turns to me I almost die of embarrassment. Killian lets out a long hardy sigh then sits down next to me.

We mostly sit in silence jotting down notes but at times I take a closer look at him. He has piercing blue eyes and a scruff quiet attractive.. No! I scold myself mentally last thing I need to do is fall for a boy who sleeps around he would most certainly break my heart just like Neal. My thoughts are broken by Mr.Saul passing around cat feet and other body parts you'd think I'd want to gag like all the other girls but I wanted to be a veterinarian so mind as well get it over with. "Alright class you will be working with your partner sitting next to you to dissect the body parts."

After that people start working and socializing and I stare uncomfortably at Killian for a moment. "Hi I'm Emma Swan." I stick out my hand and he takes it awkwardly "I'm Killian pleasure to meet ya love." He has a strong Irish accent that Sends shivers up my spine which I try to ignore.

We start to dissect the cat foot when I decide to make small talk. "So why'd you want to become a veterinarian?" "Well Swan I've always had a thing for animals and I grew found of working with them so.." I cut him off "Swan really?" "Well if we're gonna be partners for the rest of the year get used to it. Besides now we're friends" I blush a little never really having a friend before.

Even if he was just being nice it made me feel happy almost special. I conversation is interrupted by Mr.Saul "Okay class I suggest after this lesson you go home and take some notes with your partner." I look towards Killian and he looks back at me. After the bell rings he asks "Who's apartment?" "Um can we go to yours?" I ask nervously. "Ya sure" he replies slow and gives me his address "10 maple street apartment 23B. I nod "Alright see you tonight" and we part ways.

The whole day I think about going to Killian's for some odd reason I'm kinda glad I really don't want to go back to my place yet. After a exhausting day I head to Killian's house my shift for work was straight after school so I didn't miss anything and got my full check. I get to Killian's apartment 23B and knock he slowly opens the door. "Hey love come in."
  I walk in and take it all in. His apartment is huge! "What do ya think Emma?" "It looks like your apartment ate mine!" I exclaim and he just laughs. "We should probably get started" I agree and we both sit down.
After studying and taking notes we start talking. "So Killian I got to know are you really how they say you are a partier that sleeps around?" "Love people have many different sides and around you I'm probably more myself then I usually am." "Oh.." I say quietly.

  "What about you Emma Swan your to mysterious but I think I got you figured out." "Try me." I smirk and he goes off. "You don't have any money poor and your parents won't  support you your struggling to get through school and are at this point just trying to make it and barley have anything." I stand appalled and smack him. Tears well in my eyes "You forgot the parts that I was an orphan and have no one to support me! So I basically live in a dumpster and lived a life of crime and am trying to turn it around!!" I shriek and walk to the door in tears.

  "Emma wait I'm so..." I cut him off "No I'm sorry that I thought I could ever have a friend I'll see you in class Killian." After that I storm back to my home.

I get in and collapse onto the bed in tears. At least I don't have that class until 12 p.m. Tomorrow I think and cry a little more. What a jerk this guy is this is why I don't  have friends and no one understands or ever will I'll always be an unloved orphan and nothing more. After that I just sit and think about Killian Jones.

I though I had the situation under control but I had no clue what I was in for or what Killian Would do to my heart.

AN: Hey guys first chapter of a new story! Yay I'm super excited to right this. Comment and vote opinions using a little bit of a different writing style for this story.

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