Chapter 21:*Bang*

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After the problem between Soryu and I was cleared,the Hell Dragons and Ice Dragons were doing business again.I was walking down the hallway of the Ice Dragons office until I bumped into her.Dude,seriously?Out of all the people in here I had to bump into her.

I circled around her hoping she would just leave me alone but nooooo

"Carolyn!Soryu told me what happened to your father,are you-"

"Move.You're in the way."I glared at her coldly before pushing past her and into Soryu's office.I sigh as I plopped down on the sofa."Carolyn are you ok?"Soryu asked worriedly as he got up from his desk.

"Why do you keep her around?"Soryu looked at me most probably confused."Sylvia"I sigh as I said the woman's name.

"Well uh,she's quite important to the dragons since she's one of our best shooters."

"Yeah well,you don't need her now,you got me so just go ahead and fire her already"I mumbled as I blew my hair away from my face.

"Carolyn,I know what your mo-"I glared at him harshly."--Sylvia done must be unforgivable-"

"Oh believe me,it is"I said darkly as I played with my gun.Soryu sighed again.

"But don't you think you should at least give her a chance to explain?"I raised my eyebrows.

"Give me one good reason why I should do that"Soryu shuffled around before saying.

"Because....well,you see,she explained to me what happened.And um,I think you should..."

"No means no.Now leave it alone"I said and closed my eyes.Soryu sighed in defeat and said.

"If that's what you want"

"Oh believe me,it is"I said as I handed him some files."Calvin said that there's been a mob group that's been hurting innocent people"

Soryu took the file."We should stop them"I said to him.He nods which surprised me a bit."I thought you were gonna say no"

"Even if I said no would you stop?"

"Good point"I chuckled.

"And anyway,the Ice Dragons don't like it if innocent people gets hurt."I smile at him as he said that.So we do have some things in common.

"You mind if I borrow some of your men to stop them?"I asked.Soryu thought for awhile before nodding."I'll send some over to your your headquarters later."I nod and was about to leave the room before Soryu pulled me in for a kiss.

"Be careful"he said softly.

"I will"I gave him one last kiss before heading out.

I got back to the Hell Dragons HQ and sure enough there were some men there along with

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!!!"I shouted at the woman who looked at me calmly.

"Soryu asked for me to assist in this"That no good little....I said all kinds of words that would have given me 10 years in discipline school."Watch your mouth Carolyn"the woman chided as I snorted.

"Please you're not my mom"a look of hurt flashed across the woman's face and I felt kinda guilty.Bah snap out of it!I shook my head to clear my thoughts before saying to them:"I'll send you the coordinates to the Firing Guns HQ.I'll meet you there"I said and hoped into my Jaguar as I sped off.

We arrived in front of the Firing Guns HQ as I spotted the dragons there too."The plan is simple,we charge in there and kill the boss.Without a boss,their nothing."I said as I put my two guns in their holsters.They nodded and positioned themselves."Go"I said and opened fire on the two guards guarding the door.

We charged in and shot down anyone who got in our way.We stopped in front of a huge black door which I could only assume was the boss's office and kicked in open.Maybe I shouldn't tell you what I saw in there.Let's just say there was a woman in there and they were doing their *cough cough* business.I finished off both of them.I didn't want to kill the woman but she pulled a gun on me!

I turned around and was met by a man charging at me with a knife.There wasn't enough time to duck as the knife made a beeline for my abdomen.I shut my eyes and waited for the pain.But it......never came....I slowly opened my eyes and saw...

"SYLVIA!!!"I screamed as I caught her falling body.The knife was pierced into her gut.I shot the man who tried running and watched as he fell."Sylvia?Sylvia hang on!Please!"I don't know why I was so desperate to save this woman but I just couldn't bear to watch her die.

I gently laid her down in my Jaguar and rushed to the hospital.She was rushed to the emergency room.I watched as the red light was switched on as I collapsed on a chair.My numb fingers punched in some numbers on my phone as I shakily brought it to my ear.

"Carolyn?What is it?!Did something happen?!!!!"Soryu's panicked voice shouted in my ear as I let out a choked son.


"Carolyn?Can you hear me?!What happened to Sylvia"The tears rolled down my cheeks as I said.

"S-she got stabbed!"I cried out.

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