Chapter 2:This is me

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I woke up the next day as I quickly got dressed.I grabbed two of my guns and a pocket knife as I hid them outta sight.I pulled on my red heels.I found out that the Ice-Dragons prefer ladies who wear cheongsams so that's exactly what I'm gonna do.I was wearing a red cheongsam with gold threaded into it.Nodding at my outfit,I head out towards the Ice-Dragons headquarters in my lamborghini.I stopped in front of a beige coloured building as I got out.I looked up at the building.Well this is small.Pathetic excuse for a mob group.

I stepped inside the building as some men surrounded me."I've got a meeting with your boss"they told me to wait as they walked off.I scanned the building.There are probably tons of guns and alarms around this place,maybe even traps.The men came back after awhile.

"Head down this hallway and turn left.You won't miss it"I simply nod as I started to walk.I turned left and realised there was only one room there.I knocked and heard a "come in" as I stepped inside.There was a man wearing a grey suit inside.

"You must be Soryu Oh"I sat down opposite him.

"Carolyn right?"I nod.

"So you're here to join the dragons?"I nod again."Show me what you can do then"He said as he pressed a button.The bookshelf near the door moved as it revealed an opening.Secret passage huh....better take note of that.I went inside with him and we came to a sort of shooting range.He handed me a gun."Shoot down all the targets that pop up.I'll time you.Get set...go"

I started shooting as multiple targets popped up.This is child's play.I kept shooting and before I know it,the targets stopped popping up.I looked at Soryu as he checked the his watch."1 minute"He says and I can hear the shock in his voice.Seriously?They can't even beat 1 minute?And that wasn't even fast.If you really wanted me to shoot fast,I can finish off those targets in less than 30 seconds.

"Good"He walks towards me as my sharp eyes caught his hand wiggling around in his pocket.I quickly lift up my arm,my back still turned and fired off a shot just before the target bashed into me."Nice instincts"Soryu's eyes widened a bit before returning to normal.I shrugged."Welcome to the Ice-Dragons"I smirk as he smirks too and we shake hands.We both exit the shooting range as we head back into his office.We went outside as Soryu held out his arm.

"Uh,what are you doing?"As he continues to stand there,his face stoic.

"Getting us a taxi,we need to get to Tres Spades hotel,we have some business to conduct there."I sigh after 5 minutes.

"You know,we could always take the taxi.Or...we can take my car"

"You have a car and you never told me?!"Soryu asks in anger and disbelief but I wasn't even fazed.

"You didn't ask"I took out my keys as I stepped inside my lamborghini.

"And you're car is a lamborghini?!"Soryu asks as he looks in awe.

"One of em' "I smirk as I start the engine and speed off.I drive at a crazy speed through town but still avoid getting into an accident.

"Slow down!"Soryu shouts as his hand tightens on the handgrip but I just ignore him as I speed up even more.Before long,we were standing in front of Tres Spades.Soryu looked a bit green as I remained as composed as ever."Do you have a death wish?!"Soryu gasps.

"Maybe"I walk inside the hotel,ignoring the look on his face.

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