Chapter 5:Punch

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Inui was stumbling when I punched him and I took this opportunity to kick him in the stomach.He curled over as he clutched it and I took out my gun as I took aim." should NEVER HAVE BEEN BORN!!!"I shouted as I pulled the trigger but it just bounced off him.Tch,bulletproof vest!I grab his collar and pull him up as I glare into his eyes.Eyes that were like mine in so many ways.....I punched his face again before Soryu pulled me back.

"Oi stop!!"But I didn't as I struggled.I...I wanna wipe his face off the earth!That's how I felt as I kept trying to grab him."Inui!Get out!"Inui nodded fearfully as he held his face which had blood dripping from his mouth and ran off.

"LET GO!!!"I stomped and stomped on his foot as I hit him.But his grip was too strong and in the end,I just slumped down on the ground.

"Why did you attack Inui?"Soryu immediately questions me as he looks at me.

"None of your business bitch"I hiss as I curse at him and stand up until he grabs me by the neck and pin me to the wall,not too tight as to hurt me.

"Talk"I sigh.

"Listen,don't get involved in this.I'm serious when I say it's none of your business.But he is my target.Be careful of letting him see me,otherwise I can't guarantee his survival."I push him away as I looked at him calmly.I walked away,not caring what he nor anyone thinks of me.

The next day,I woke up and thought of Inui again.When I met him,all I could think about was killing him.Kill kill kill.The thought ran in my mind as I jumped out of bed.I pulled on a leather jacket,a white t-shirt and leggings along with my boots.I take my Jaguar and drive towards Tres Spades.I parked in the V.I.P. section since I didn't want my Jaguar to get even a single scratch.I walk inside and head up to the penthouse.

I see the usual guys there.Soryu was discussing something with Mr.Ichinomiya.I sat down next to him as I quietly looked at my phone.No text messages nor calls.I sighed.This was boring.I quickly texted the boss,asking him if I could kill Soryu right now.'Not yet,my men has just found some rather interesting information on him....for now,don't'.I sighed again as I glared at wall.

"Hey there pretty lady!Why're you so glum?"The man with the fedora smiles at me flirtatiously as he sits next to me.I glare at him,hoping to scare him off which it did.

"I've never seen a woman reject you before Baba!"The dirty-blonde haired man say in shock.

"I know right?!I'm willing to bet she'll reject you too Ota"Baba grumbles as he pouts.Don't they have anything better to do?Soryu must have noticed my boredom because he stands up and walks towards the elevator.I discreetly follow behind him.We end up going outside to the lobby.

"What are we doing?"I asked finally as he looked down at me.

"You looked like you wanted to punch either Baba or Ota's face so I thought I'd better get you out of there before you did"I shrug but I'm secretly thanking him in my mind.Those two were just so annoying!We walk outside to the carpark.

"Hey,I need to grab something from my friend,coming?"I don't bother looking at him when I ask that since I know the answer.He was waiting in front of the hotel doors."Uh...what are you doing?"He stares at me as if I asked a dumb question.

"Taxi"I roll my eyes as I facepalmed.God,I swear this guy..... I pulled him away and murmured 

"My car"as he followed me.We got to the V.I.P. section car park and I opened the door of my Jaguar.

"A Jaguar?"I saw his eyes shine as he touched it.I smirked as I watched.

"Yah,now get in,I don't have all day"He jumps in and we speed down town till we reached a shopping mall.As expected,he was not amused.

"I thought you said you had business to conduct?"Soryu raises an eyebrow as he looks at the crowded mall.

"Never judge a book by it's cover"I say and walk in.But instead of going inside,we head to the side of the building,where there was a small alleyway that was barely noticeable.We head inside the alleyway and we soon stood in front of a metal and rusty door.I knocked on it thrice as the door slowly opened.


"Let me in or I'll kill you"I calmly say as the door was opened.We stepped inside a dimly lit room.

"What is this place?"Soryu muttered in awe as he looked around.

"Figure it out yourself"I scoffed.Vigo was sitting at his desk,picking at his tooth as he watched us approach.

"Ahhh the he-"I quickly took out my gun and fired off a shot at his head as I glared at him."Ah,right down to business then"he chuckled nervously as he took out the gun I ordered.

"This it?"I said as I picked up the gun.A Walther WA 2000.I turned it over in my hands as I inspected it.

"Yes,you can try it"I insert a bullet and took aim on the apple Vigo placed on the table.


"Nice"I smirk as I handed Vigo a cheque which he accepted."Pleasure doing business with you Vigo"I say as I exit.


We barely took a few steps before Soryu stops again.I look back at him."Can I see the gun?"I cautiously handed him the gun,one of my hands,resting on my other one.He took it and looked at it."This is.....A Walther WA 2000....extremely did you.."I roll my eyes at him.I guess even Vigo doesn't do business which weak mob groups.

"Expert gun deal dealer"I say as I took it back.

"How much did it..."

"100 million"His eyes widened at that.I smirk."What?Did you think I was poor?"We headed into my Jaguar as we drove back to the hotel.

Inui P.O.V.

Who was that girl....I was holding my sore cheek as I thought about that girl who punched me.She had the same eyes as me.But....when I looked into her eyes,there was an overloading amount of hatred...and I think it was for me....

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