Chapter 10:Mission gone wrong

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"So,mind filling me in on what happened back there?"Daniel asked as he sat opposite me.

"None of your business.Not that you don't know that"He smirks as if expecting that.

"So,where to?"

"Killer Hunters HQ"He nods and gives the destination to the pilot.

"Need backup?"I raised my eyebrows."Right,another stupid question"he mumbled.We arrived after half an hour as he dropped me off somewhere near the HQ."Here"he handed me a gun.

"Thanks"I took it as I set off.Now what was the name of the man again...?Right,Fuhami Katsoyou.I stealthily crept up towards one of the guards and knocked him out.I aimed my gun at the other when."Take me to Fuhami Katsoyou,now and don't even think about trying to escape"


"Carolyn from the Hell Dragons,yeah now get moving it else"my threat was clear as he started walking.Much to my relief and his horror,we didn't run into anyone on the way.He pointed down the hallway.

"Third room on the right"I nod and knock him out with the back of my gun.I kick open the door and the man in bed shot up.

"Fuhami Katsoyou?"the man glares.

"What's it to you?"I smirk back as I aim the gun at him.

"This"I pulled the trigger.Once he's down,I quickly slice off his head.The other guards could be here any moment.I hear footsteps coming closer just as I bag his head."Fuck"I don't have enough time to run out.I scan the room and found an air vent on the ceiling.I quickly open it and climb in as I shut it,just as some men came into the room.

"Fuhami...."I heard them mutter as they picked up his body and dragged it out.Seeing this opportunity,I slowly and silently creep out from the vent and hop down.I peer outside looking any signs of the guards but they were none.I was about to open the door when....,


"AHHHHH!!!!!!"I screamed in pain and agony as a bullet pierced my thigh."nnnghhh"despite that,I quickly fling open the door and limp outside as I texted one of the my henchmen.

"Pickup.Now"I activated my gps as I hid in alleyway praying they won't find me.Before long,a black limo limo pulled up.I stood straight,ignoring the searing pain in my thigh as I handed them the head.I cannot show any signs of weakness,it would look bad especially since I'm the 2nd in command.Once they were gone,I felt like I was gonna collapse.I start to walk down the street.Tres Spades isn't too far from here,I can make it.

Black spots entered my vision as I went inside the elevator,pressing the button for the top floor.It was getting hard to breathe.I stuttered out of the elevator and pushed open the door to the lounge when I heard screaming.

"AHHHH CAROLYN!!!!!!!"Baba shouted when he saw my bloodied body.

"Oh my god what happened?"Ota's eyes were as wide as saucers as he stared at me.

"Kid got in trouble"even Mamoru was showing some concern on his face.

Soryu didn't say a word as he picked me up."H-hey!"I weakly pounded onto his chest as I felt my consciousness start to fade.

"Carolyn?Carolyn!Don't you dare close your eyes!!!"I heard Soryu scream as my eyes closed further.He shook my body gently as I tried to stop myself from closing my eyes."Eisuke!Luke!Now!"that was the last thing I heard as I drifted from consciousness.

When I woke up,I saw Soryu beside me.I groaned at the splitting headache as I tried to sit up."Carolyn!You're awake!"Soryu immediately pushed me back down much to my dismay."You can't sit up,it certainly won't do for you to faint again will it?"I grunted as I flip back down again.

"What happened to you?"I heard him ask and chose to ignore it.He sighed when I didn't answer."Listen I know it's none of my business and all,but it won't do you any good if you just keep it to yourself,will it?"I was still silent and he sighed again as he got up to leave.

He was almost at the door when...."bullet..."he turned around.

"Yeah you were shot"

"I nearly failed the mission....."

".......what mission?"I heard Soryu ask.

I don't even know why I did it but I blurted out "exterminate Fuhami Katsoyou"Soryu was silent when I said that.

"I never gave you that order,Who did you do that mission for?"I really didn't need to answer that but once again,I blurted out

"Hel-"I quickly snapped my mouth shut once I realized what I had nearly said.Fuck this is bad.I close my eyes pretending to have fallen asleep as I heard the room door close.I really hope he doesn't figure that out.

God why am I such a bigmouth?!

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