Late Night Skype Calls

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Phil's P.O.V:
"Hello. I see you keep liking and commenting on all my videos and tweets. So I just wanted to say thanks for all the support." I clicked away on my keyboard into the text box. I pressed enter and smiled to myself. I had a supporter of my YouTube, someone who seems to really like me.
I clicked back to the page of the fan I just messaged and looked at his bio again. Dan. What a lovely name. And a nice looking face too. Girls at his school must adore him.
I heard the ding of my laptop and was he replied. Fast. Just like all his replies  to my tweets.
"Hi! ^-^ No problem for the support! I love your videos!"
"Aww thanks!"
I smiled to myself as we kept talking.


Dan's P.O.V:
I laughed and covered my mouth quickly to try and quiet myself as Phil kept making funny faces at me through the computer.
"Stop making me laugh! I'll  wake my mum and dad!" I said as I looked at my clock. 2:38 it blinked as I heard Phil chuckle through the speakers of my laptop.
"Sorry, but your laugh is so adorable. I love hearing it." He said as he rolled on to his tummy and rest his head on his arms laying on his bed.
I blushed and stared at him.
"I'm not adorable." I said and crossed my arms.
"Of course you are." He said and stuck out his tongue at me.
"I'm not!" I said and pouted "I'm manly as hell."
He chuckled and I glared at my computer.
"Oi! I mean it." I said and pointed a finger at the camera and only heard more giggling.
"I'm- I'm sorry!" He said as he tried to stop laughing. "But your pouting just proves you're adorable!"
"Hmp. " I said as I crossed my arms.
"Hey Dan." Phil said with a smile, "We've been on Skype for  5 hours now."
"Woah," I said as I looked at the screen. "You're right."
"I should probably go to bed. My mum is making me go out tomorrow." He said with a yawn and a stretch.
"Okay. Good night Phil."
"Night Dan. I'll text you in the morning." He said and smiled.
"Okay." I said as the call ended and I smiled and flopped onto my bed and looked at the ceiling.
I remember when he first messaged. My heart was pounding out of my chest and my head was spinning. I thought I had just had a heart attack and went to heaven. I swear I stared at that laptop screen a solid 3 minutes before I snapped out of it and formed a reply. I almost didn't say anything back out of fear, but I'm so glad I did. Because of that one message our friendship blossomed.
Call like this have happened a lot over the few months as Phil and I got to know each other. Ever since he first messaged we haven't went a day without talking. We've just gotten so close. I honestly can't manage a day without him. He brings a light to my day.


Author's note:
Hello people. Been a long time since I last really even touched Wattpad. Seriously, I haven't really been even reading on here over the last year or so until about a month ago.
I wasn't planning on writing this, but I had a little inspiration...
Anyways, there's a ton different in my life now that I don't even know where to begin. I also don't really have time to tell you tho cus it's 11pm and I need to go to bed. I have all new classes tomorrow and my sleep schedule is already f**ked up enough so I should go.
Random question:
How are you? Have you missed me???
I'm doing pretty good right now minus sickness to be honest. I've missed Wattpad and all you awesome people! I can't wait to try and write some more soon. ^-^
That's about all. OH WAIT! Just so you guys know, I wrote this in one sitting at like 10:45 pm, so sorry if it's shitty or spelling errors. Comment any errors and ill try and fix them in the am! Night people! Hope life is good and if not *send you virtual hug*


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