Chapter 24

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Cacie's POV

I am pregnant. I am carrying a child in my body. How am I going to tell me mom. Even worst how am I going to tell my dad. Luke was sleeping and I just couldnt sleep.

I just kept thinking, what if somthing happens to the baby. That is all I keep thinking about, what if's.

My thoughts were drifing me to sleep very slowly but surely.

I woke up to Luke starring at me. I smiled.

"Good afternoon sweetheart. How are you feeling?' Luke said.

"ive been better. I'm just scared you know. Like I am carrying a child. I am only 18. The fans are going to see my bump soon when we go back on tour 'cause we are only a month into tour and its a five month tour. I will have a small bumb then. Everyone will know. What will that do for your press." I said franticly.

"It will be fine babe. I will take care of it okay. And press? Press barley bothers us anyway. I mean yea we will get bigger while on tour but, press wont be bad. I wont let anything happen to you. You are my everything and I wont let you get hurt. I love you." Luke said kissing me softly.

"I love you to Luke." I smiled.

We continued to Lay there next to each other. We didn't say anything. Luke just kept rubbing my stomach and humming cute little tunes.

I decided to get up because I was hungry. I put on sone yoga shorts and a PINK tank top.

I walked downstairs with Luke following close behind. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed bagels out of my fridge along with Strawberry cream cheese.

I put the bagels in the toaster and they were soon done. I spread the cream cheese on and put them on a plate.

I went into the dining room where Luke was sitting on his phone.

"I made us bagels." I said sitting across from him.

"I don't want one. You eat." He said.

"Okay. My mom and dad will be back today. We need to tell them tonight." I said.

"Okay. And don't worry babe. They will be okay with it. I promise." He said putting his hand on mind.

I smiled knowing I had nothing really to worry about. My mom and dad were not the type to get mad. I an their only child. They might seem a little irritated but they will be fine with it and supportive.

I continued eating.

After I ate Luke and I sat down in the living room to watch Catfish.


I turned it on and cuddled into Luke closer.

Halfway through the episode my parents walked in the door.

"Shit." I whispered.

"Hi sweetie!" My mom said.

"H-hi mom. Can you get dad in here I- um we need to talk to you guys." I said. She looked a little confused but called dad in the room.

"Okay you guys need to sit down for this." I said.

They both sat down on the couch across from us.

"Okay well Luke and I went to the doctors today for my yearly check up. And he gave us some," I said trailing off. I started crying again. Luke comforted me.

"Cacie? Is everything okay? What did the doctor say?" My mom started to freak out.

"Im okay mom. Its just.." I started.

"I'm pregnant." I said.

Both of my parents looked at me. They just looked at me. No words just starring.

"I just found out to so its still syncing into my system that I am." I said.

"Well. We support you. Fully and honestly. We know you are young and its a big commitment, but we have faith in you. We love you sweetheart for whatever you do." My mom finally spoke.

"And Luke. Just letting you know neither of us are mad at you. We know its not completely your fault. You are still like a son to us. Nothing has changed between us." My dad said to Luke.

"Thank you guys. This means so much for your support.

I so happy I told them and they are okay with it. I have my families support and thats all that matters.



Yay!!! Happy Family!!!

Ilysm guys like seriously.

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