Chapter 19

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Kayla's POV

I did bot want to tell my mom. I know she will either kick me out or never talk to me again. I mean I'm 19 going on 20. She could have at least expected it with me dating a band member that horny all the time.

I walked into my house an my mom was sitting at the table with her girlfriend Storm. Yes my mom is a lesbian. I fucking hated Storm. She is such a bitch to me. She always talks to me like I'm nothing and I just want to fucking kill her.

"Hey sweetie." My mom said.

"Hey mom. Can I like talk to you." I said.

"Yea sure come here." She said.

"No like alone." I said.

"Anything you can say to your mother you can say to me. Im like your step mom you know." Storm said.

"No you aren't. I want to talk to my mother alone. Deal with it." I said.

"Okay okay enough. Come on Kayla." She said getting up. We went into her room as she told Storm to stay there.

We walked into her room and we sat on the bed.

"Okay baby. Tell me." She said.

"Well its not easy to say. I know you will be mad at me." I started.

"What your not pregnant are you?" She said with a laugh.

"Mom...I actually am pregnant." I said. I looked at her. Her smile went straight to a frown in an instant. She had hate written all over her face.

"Get all of your shit and get the fuck out of my house. Go and live with Cacie." She said getting up and slamming the door behind her.

I started crying knowing that my mom doesn't support me. I put my head in my hands and cried so much. My mon walked in after a half an hour.

"You have four hours to get out of here. I don't care what you do, where you live, just leave." She said.

I got up still crying and went into my room and started packing everything. I called Ashton.

"Ashton come over and help me pack. My mom is kicking me out because of my pregnancy." I said crying hard.

"Oh my god okay babe. Ill be there soon you can come and live with me if you want." He said.

"I will but I want to stay with Luna until you tell your parents." I said.

"Alright babe. Im on my way" he said.

I hung up and started packing.

I took one last look at my room and cried. Everything was gone. Ashton brought Michael and Calum because they both had big cars and so did Ashton and they could fit all of my things in it.

I walked downstairs with three duffel bags. I took one last look at my mom and she just looked at my then back at storm. No goodbye or anything.

I put the rest of my things in Ashton's car and he took my to Cacie's. Cacie had a whole room that they never use in their house so I'm guessing that will be my room for a while.

We got to Cacies and i had my duffle bags in hand as I knocked on the door with my foot.

Cacie and Luke both came to the door. Luke was only in boxers as Cacie was only in bra and underwear.

"Kayla what are you doing here?" Cacie said.

"My mom kicked me out because of my pregnancy." I said.

"Oh my god." Cacie said.

Luke grabbed my duffle bags. Cacie ran and gave me a big hug.

"Cacie do you thibk your parents would mind if i-"

"Not at all you can have the empty room." She said. "Im going to go put on some clothes." She said running up stairs really quick.

She cane back down a half of my stuff was already in my new room. I didn't have very many things. Just a lot of clothes.

She helped me and the rest of the boys with my other stuff and that was that.

I kissed Ashton goodbye and he told me that he loved me and that he would never let anyone hurt me.

I truly did love this guy. He was really supportive and loving. After he and the other left I looked at Cacie and Luke and immediately fell apart.

"Luke im sorry but I think you should go home tonight. Kayla needs me here for her." Cacie said giving me a hug.

"I completely understand babe. Ill go and get dressed and leave." He said running upstairs.

I couldn't stop crying. The tears just kept coming. My own mother had disowned me because of me being pregnant.

Luke Left after kissing Cacie and telling her he loved her.

I told Cacie that I wanted to sleep.

"Well if you ever need me just tell me. Ill do anything for you and you know that." She said.

"Okay i love you. Goodnight" i said.

I walked into my new room.

"Well. Lets start unpacking what I need."




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