Back on earth

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You wake up (again), and immediatly know something is terribly wrong. You look at the remnants of what once was your body, with your only functional eye, and you're horrified to say the least.

You have gained extra limbs growing out of the most uncomfortable places: you flail your five arms around like an idiot, try to stand up, wobble on your (now four) feet, and crash headfirst onto the ground. Then, the screaming starts. Three different voices suddenly explode in your head, making you squirm on the ground in agony.

What is this?! Where am i?!

Its the homeworld gems! We're under attack! Ring the bells!

i dont want to do this anymore! I give up! Ill tell you everything i know, but just stop!

The sheer volume and power of these thoughts ultimately hurt you so much, you start to scream. And just as suddenly as it all started, it stops. Then, just when you're about to ask yourself if you just imagined those voices, you heard one of them again. The voice sounds soft, and constantly sounds like it's at the verge of crying.

W-who are you? Do you know what happened? Where are we?

You explain the situation as good as you possibly can, and also introduced yourself. But in the middle of your introduction, a high-pitched, loud voice suddenly interupts you.

A human. We are horrible abominations, and we are stuck to a F*****G human! Golly gee, can this day get any better?!

Another voice then answers. This voice sounds confident, a bit lower then the others, and is quite overwhelming.

Listen here, bucko. I dont like the way things are looking either, but this fighting is not gonna solve anything, so back of!

Is that a challenge?

But before they can start arguing, you quickly change the subject, and ask their names.

I-i'm...Azurite. Its a pleasure meeting you, human.

If i tell you, will you kill us right now? I'm Tourmaline, facet 4A3Z Cut-3BY.

Dont listen to that moron please. Name's jade. Very nice to meet you human, even though we are in quite the situation right now.

"Well, i'm (Y/N), as i tried to say before. It's an honour....i think."

So human, where is the nearest crystal gem base? We need to be prepared in case of a surprise invasion.

Hey moron, i dont know if you noticed, but the sky isnt black with spaceships. I believe the war is over....

Well then...maybe we should send a smoke signal around to check? H-humans still use those right?

" they dont. And they havent been used in centuries."

Well.....a postal bird then, perhaps?

You sigh. This is going to be a looooooong day.

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