Bigfoot in the snow

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After having waited for a few hours until Steven and Connie were done training, you finally got a chance to talk to Garnet. After talking a little bit about the supoosed placement of the town,she had some bad news. You'd have to walk about three whole days to get to the rumored city, and that was measuring it tightly. Yet you knew you had to do it.

And so, after filling your backpack with Butterscotch pie, mustard bottles, salty pretzels and a ton of water, you climbed the statue until you got to the warp pad on its hand, and with a white flash you appeared in a snowy forest, similar to the one you fought the hybrid corrupted gem in.

Seems Peri-nut really loves snow, huh?

Great any case, if my observations are right, we need to go that way.

You felt a small tug in your body towards the supposed north, and started running in the forest, scaring off the occasional animal and breaking off some branches from trees in your way, but apart from that, the first day was pretty uneventful. Yet near the evening, it started snowing. It started snowing HARD. As in, it was as if you were on the Nord Pole, it was such a large snow storm.

You couldn't see a thing, and had to go on your way with nothing to help you but your sense of touch and Azurite's predictions, wich were completely useless now since she had no sky to base herself off. A few hours later, you could for some reason feel that there were less and less trees as the snow was falling less around you, and you ended up in a sort of open field, blurry things all around you. While slowly walking trough the field, completely white from the snow, you rubbed the snow out of your functioning eye as the snow started fell in a reasonable amount, and you froze.

You were right in the middle of a road. And the blurry things you saw were houses. You immidiately tried to run as fast as you could from the town, knowing you didn't have the time to transform into a human form. You almost managed to gey out of the town, yet when you were at the last few houses, you heard voices from behind you.

"What the heck is that?! Is that a bear? CALL ANIMAL CONTROL!"

"Too big to be a bear! It's an F'ing Sasquatsch! Someone call the police! The army! Someone SHOOT IT!"

Human, are Canadians not supposed to be extremely nice people according to your 'stereotypes'?

These didn't get the bloody memo! Now BOLT!

You for once took Tourmaline's advice, as you heard shots being fired from behind you and more and more screams of terror erupting as you ran as fast as possible into the nearest collection of trees, not stopping for hours on end, sometimes letting Jade, Tourmaline and Azurite take over when you were to tired to keep on going.

When the moon was finally up, you stopped, tired beyond belief and hungry as a horse. You were lucky that the snow hadn't managed to get into your backpack, and enjoyed a reasonably good meal, wich was more pleasing to the gems then it was to you. You thought about the gems for a little bit, and hoped that Ruby was doing well with the others, before you drifted into a nice, deep sleep.

When you woke up, the first thing you noticed was a sort of heavy weight on your body, wich, when you opened your eyes, was a metal-enforced net. You looked around, trying to figure out what the heck was going on. The answer was given to you by a tough-looking man followed by a cameraman, excitedly talking with a rough accent of some sorts.

"Yes, dear people. T'seems we caught us an actual Sasquatch! Ah believe it ta be the most amazing discovery we ever made! Next step is cleanin' off the snow, and seein' what all those lumps on it's body are!"

OH COME ON! AGAIN?! And even if we run, this guy has proof we're here!

shhhh! He might hear us....though, you know, this might bring us some unwanted attention. Plus, i don't think having even more people searching for the 'sasquatch' after watching that documentery would be very interesting...

Please, leave it to me. Now kindly shut up, both of you.

You felt a warm feeling in your face, and before you could prepare yourself, a huge migraine followed as you felt it twisting into a very human form, Ith hair that concealed your gems. You wondered how the heck that would help you out of that mess, until you felt yourself standing up, causing the man to give out a small scream, and turning towards the camera, scratching the back of your head and speaking towards the camera.

"You know boss, this suit is REALLY uncomfortable. Do we have to do this?"

After that, you quickly dissapeared in the woods, leaving behind a stunned cameraman and a furious reporter. You congratulated Azurite on her great plan, before letting her tell you the way to the town you needed to go to, spending the time listening to Tourmaline bicker about how useless sleep is and Jade trying to defend you.

You then had a quick stop for breakfast, (cold hotdogs with mustard), and whilst eating you asked Azurite how long it would still take to get to your destination.

If we do keep going at this extremely fast pace with limited sleep for another one and a half to two days, wich i higly doubt, we should be there.

You groaned, before getting up again, dusting the snow off of you completely and running again, wondering why time was going so slow and why all this seemed to be happening to you.

How is it going you wonderfull, wonderfull people? I will RETURN FROM THE GRAVE TOMORROW! ...and vacation as well, i suppose. But in all seriousness, thank you all for your patience! I hope to see all of you pretty soon again, as i will return tomorrow and am posting this with a very limited amount of wi-fi i managed to scrape by. See you guys next time!

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