Internal struggle.

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For a second, you seem to simply stand still on that beach, unmoving, like a statue. Then you lose all control. Your arms start to punch random parts of your body, your legs try to go to different directions and your mind is in full anarchy.

You slowly start to lose your sense of self, running, twitching and attacking yourself, until it seems that all you were, are and ever will be is the awful, excruciating pain you are experiencing......until you crash headfirst into a cliff, knocking yourself out.

You wake up in a simple greyish room, with three realisations on your mind. One, your mind is completely at ease, and the only thoughts are your own. Two, you yourself again. Three, Jasper is there too, and charging at you at full force.

You immediately jump to the side, while you silently thanked yourself for trying to train yourself, sharpening your reflexes. Though sharp reflexes clearly aren't enough, as she quickly has you trapped, smiling like she went completely psycho.

" ENJOY THIS!", Jasper screams, as she prepares to headbutt you so hard she will crush your skull without much problem...

Only to be hit in the cheek by a mace, knocking her away. You quickly look towards the source of the weapon, only to spot three doors , each with a gem in the doorway. After you take a good look, you realize it's Jade, Tourmaline and Azurite. You want to ask what is going on untill....

(Y/n)! Behind you!

You immediately jump out of the way of Jasper trying to ram you, while screaming a thank you towards Azurite for warning you. You then suddenly see an axe fly across the room towards your feet. You dodge it, pick it up while wondering if you should thank Tourmaline or insult him for aiming at you.

Oh just accept the weapon, you numbskull. We can't leave these rooms, so it's all you'll get, human....and it should be enough, even for you.

While you would love to try to take her out of that room (preferrably to slap her), You hear footsteps, twirl around, dodge Jasper and use every ounce of your power to hit her in the back of the head, causing her to stumble forward, towards the only part of the room you haven't looked yet.

You see that it simply contains a deep dark hole. You realise the best way to get rid of Jasper so that you can figure out what the heck is going on, is by getting her to fall in. So you come up with a plan. A dangerous, stupid plan.

"Hey Jasper!" You scream at the top of your lungs

'What?' she responds, clearly confused by you wanting to say something to her

"Why are you so angry? Because i TRICKED YOU? Because i made you look like a chump? Is that it? Does widdel Jaspa need a pacifier because the big bad human beat him?" You try your utmost best to try to sound as much like Tourmaline as possible.

And it works. Her face reddens, and distorts into an even uglier and angrier expression than usual. she grunts and screams 'How DARE YOU?!' At the top of her lungs, scrapes her feet across the floor like an angry bull, and starts running at you at full speed. When she is about to hit you you suddenly drop to your knees, and hold the axe right where she will raise her feet.

As you do so, you feel the warm bliss of Azurite's strenghtening magic, giving you extra strength to hold the axe in place. When Jasper realises what is going on, its already to late. She tumbles, falls and slides into the hole, screaming.

After making sure she actually fell in, (you couldnt see her, Nor a bottom to the hole) you walk over to the gems and ask where they think you guys are. this isnt a dumb idea by you? Tourmaline grumbles discontented

Geez, way to be thankful, bucko. Heya, ehm, thanks for killing Jasper by the way...

She's not dead. Azurite said grimly.

B-but we saw her fall in that hole!

As much as i hate to agree with her, she's right.

N-no! The hole isnt a hole! I-i believe this is sort of a clairvoyant ability....but twisted around a bit. We can't go to other minds....but into our own.

After a highly scientific explanation on clairvoyance, wich i'll spare you from, you ask what the hole is then.

Repressed thoughts. She'll be stuck in there for a while, maybe some months, but it wont be forever...

After this explanation, you and the others get quiet, thinking of what Jasper would do when she returns.

W-well...lets not dwell on that. More importantly, she's gone for now so.......what now? Jade says cheerily, though it was obvious her cheeriness is fake.

Oh geez, i dunno, maybe...GETTING UP! And with those words Tourmaline manifests another axe, and strikes a wall of her room with it, causing you to feel a sudden pain, making you wake up.

Heya! It's Ghostly, and what better way to return then with my longest chapter yet. Again, i cannot find the right words to thank all over 2200 of you for the insanely awesome support. I never thought i'd even get to 500, so seeing this after such a long absence is like a dream come true. I appreciate you all, so keep on being awesome!

Ps: got a question for me, just  ask away! I'll be more then happy to answer.

Quartet Of Misery {A Steven Universe reader insert}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang