Experiment City

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(Hiya, it's Ghostly! And with a special over 2000 words chapter!! Now, i kinda need to warn you about this chapter...it has some dark themes like experimenting and obsessive love in it. Please be prepared for that. See you at the bottom with another note.) When you woke up, the first thing you saw was a flash of green standing at the edge of your bed, making you squeel (or scream, or whatever you do when provoked), before you realised that the smug-looking gem in your room was the Crystal gem Peri, not the insane one.

The smug look she had on her face immediately dissapeared when you made a sound, and she turned around to a figure, who after you rubbed your eyes, you saw was Steven.

'Do you think i startled it? It was not my intention to do so...'

'I don't think you should call them it, you know. That's kinda rude.'

You sat up in your bed to look at the two, but before you could respond, Tourmaline and Jade already did.

Comm- errr, i mean Steven and Peridot! What do we owe the pleasure to?

How. The HECK. did you guys get in here?!

They said it in unison, yet Steven somehow managed to piece it together before Jade and Tourmaline could argue about wich question was more important.

'Well...first of all i brought breakfast, and Garnet told me to tell you about your newest mission! Cool right? I'm like an informant!"

Peridot scoffed at Steven's 'childlike' remark, before answering the other question herself.

'As for how we got in here, well, i silply used my amazing new powerfull metal-bending powers! As you can see....'

Not wanting to hear her going on about it for hours, you turned to Steven midway trough her next sentence, and simply started nodding at the excited green gem as she explained her new powers. Meanwhile, Steven had gotten out a map, with an arrow pointing towards a very small village not very far from Beach City.

"Garnet told me that the other Peridot was spotted in this town last, and that you should probably go there. Ans since you managed to be fine on your own last mission, you can go alone!"

He looked pretty cheerfull as he said this, and pretty soon you joined into his enthousiasm, and as he left, you immediately grabbed the piece of paper he left with you along with the map and your breakfast, wich consisted out of five donuts.

The town was called Silent City, and was known for...nothing, really. All that was said about it was that it was located on a hill. And with this rather strange lack of info, you left your house. This time though, you had to walk all the way there, so if you wanted to go fast, you'd simply have to turn back into your real form. With a desperate sigh, you walked outside, onto the beach, trying to prepare for what was to come.

You felt the familiar warmth of magic come over you, before the agonising, tormenting pain knocjed you over again as you returned to your monstrous, and sadly, real form. You praised yourself lucky though, as you managed to not throw up this time, having prepared yourself for the sudden stomach pain this time. And with that, you easily towered over anyone and anything again as you walked over to the road and ran away.

The trip on its own was nothing special, though you did see some of Steven friends driving towards the city while you were leaving it, and they were nice enough to wave at you. For the rest, apart from an incident involving an angry lady shooting at you and an unconcious dog. (It surprised me, okay?! I am not saying sorry to her!)

A bit later, fog descended upon you guys as you came slightly closer to what appeared to be your destination, before you arrived at the hill it was placed upon. All you had to do was get to the other side and-

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