The sun after the storm

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You slowly but surely wake up and try to move, but seem to be unable to do so. When your eye finally re-adjusts to the light of the sun, you realise that you are in a bubble, wich suddenly pops.

You look behind you, confused, only to see Garnet slowly stumbeling away, still in great pain and still trying her hardest not to look at you, wich is understandable, brcause even though Jasper is temporarily gone, you're still stuck with some of her body parts.

Suddenly you feel yourself running towards her and picking her up, basically carrying her back to the temple, and even though she still refuses to look at you, a small look of what might be gratitute can be spotted on her face. Once she is inside the house (you still don't fit through the door), she starts to patch up Steven's broken leg.

Jade heartily commends him for carrying those gems all the way to the temple with a broken leg, and tells him his mother would be proud, wich triggers a timid speech by Azurite about why he should stop comparing the two.

After making sure the gems and Steven are okay, you decide to take a little stroll until the other crystal gems reform.

Well.....that was certainly a...situation. but at least Jasper's gone for a while now. Most importantly though...i got to hold commander Garnet! *fangirl squee* thanks for doing that, bucko!

....what the everloving F*** is wrong with you?

Before they start bickering more, you decide to tell Jade that it wasn't you who decided to carry Garnet.

W-wait, but me neither, so....

You then feel what can only be described as an internal headturn.

We still owed her for wearing Jasper down like that! Don't you dare think i'm gonna be anyone's friend, okay?!Y-you I-idiots!

It's nice to know that after all that crazy stuff, you still have the ability to laugh, wich you all did, except for Tourmaline, who kept hurling insults at everyone. You end your walk back at the temple, to find that Pearl and Amethyst have just reformed.

You peeked inside the door to see Pearl freaking out at Steven, who's sitting on his bed because of his broken leg, while Amethyst tries her best to cheer him up by doing some sort of shapeshifting comedy routine. Garnet was standing in a corner.

'H-hey!', steven says. 'I still needed to thank you for saving us out there...'

'THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SAVING POOR STEVEN!'cries pearl while bursting into tears

'Yeah, now you're our real amalga-mate'Amethyst snickers while shapeshifting her arm to make it super long to high-five you.

I-its nothing, really.... jade rubs the back of your head with her arm

Yes it was. An obviously tired Azurite deadpanned

Right before Tourmaline could start arguing about how Azurite was obviously trying to impersonate her, you hear a small commotion as the other gem you saw Steven carrying starts to glow and turns into a young blue gem. As you look at her, a sudden deep sadness envelops you, and three words were heard in your mind, so soft, that it's impossible for you to know if you really heard it.

'Lapis....come back......'

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