The choice

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(Ghostly here with a disclaimer! Gore, trauma and bad times are present in this chapter! :D)

As you slowly walked down the dark hall, once more you could see that faint sickening green light that you've grown to despise... This clearly led the way to Peridots base. Doing your hardest to push Jasper's recent outburst to the back of your head, you move forward, shushing everyone. Yet the second you entered...

Holy Garnet!

Although this shout from Jade was strange and confusing as all hell, you knew that indeed, you would highly prefer having Garnet with you. You saw a crack in the earth with a drill, going up and down to collect gems wich were dispensed onto a moving factory line. You were confused how this drill did this until you remembered something.

Every once in a while, Steven would tell you stories of things that happened...for example his trip to....


You immediately knew Peridot could use all these bits and pieces to make monsters far worse then everything you already faced. You could feel yourself jumping up, ready to destroy the wretched machine until couldn't move. At first you were afraid it was a trap, but you noticed it was your body stopping on its own accord.

Hold on! Wait....just wait allright?!

Tourmaline! What is the meaning of this?! Jade asked in utter confusion and annoyance.

Allright...we know Steven stopped the Cluster. But...what if it decides to stop being calm?! Peridot, how nutty and disturbing as she is, found a way to extract the gems without angering it, thus slowly weakening it! If we let this thing run it will eliminate a large threat!

But.....the cluster has emotions! This machine is killing it!

Those things clearly aren't gems anymore! It's like....putting down a dog that could destroy the world!

Even though they are not whole, they are still sentient and it would be immoral to....


after that, Azurite got silent, the only thing heard from her being sobbing.

Come on Y/N! You know I'm right, right?! We have to...

Luckily, you were interrupted rudely by a new monster entering the room. It was partially sheep and had two very prominent features. One: it had very soft-looking wool. Two: it had far less soft-looking horns. It bleated loudly, rushing at you with clear murderous intent.

So, as you prepared to take the thing by horns, even slightly happy to have something to distract you from Jasper and this place of could suddenly feel your body sidestep....making the poor lamb rush right into the drill, Wich exploded... Dying the room scarlet and black.

Once the smoke cleared and you got a good look, everyone was absolutely mortified. That creature had once been a human and a gem...but now nothing but charred bits of flesh, splattered blood and gem shards remained on top of a smoking, melted drill. The room started to spin as you could smell the metallic scent of blood, feeling yourself stumbling back as faintly heard Jade stammering.

W-wait I...I didn't......I thought it would just destroy the machine! It's not my fault!

Then the others joined in, your mind filling up with incomprehensible screams, making you puke wildly, making the sour smell join the scent of blood as flashbacks hit you of all your misfortune so far...and of all the screams. The screaming when you first met the others. The screaming of when you fused with was all pure pain, nearly ripping your head to shreds.

You managed to slowly crawl away from the room, finally breathing fresh air Wich seemed to free you slightly from the painful trance as the others calmed down slightly. But damage had been done. Jade was clearly blaming herself for all of it and didn't wish to speak to anyone.... she was probably just as traumatized as you.

Words like murderer and the such filled your mind as you slowly got up, trying to ban the earlier scene from your mind...but it only seemed to become stronger. You shook violently as you stumbled outside, surprised you didn't alert any guards.

Everything was surprisingly your mind and in the building. You crept inside, trying to get any response, the silence wracking further at your guilt and confusion until you entered the room next to the machine room. It was empty except for a green throne. There were no secret doors, no hidden villains...just nothing.

You could feel yourself, Tourmaline and Azurite scream out in rage and dissapointment. The trauma....the everything....the fights...had been for nothing. All for nothing. You could feel yourself pick up the throne, throwing it as far as you could to make it shatter to bits before stomping out, ignoring the wolf beast. He'd free himself somehow...

At final last, the others decided to speak up.

Jade....I....I shouldn't have come up with that plan allright?! So stop being so sorry for yourself!

Indeed....we do need you in some ways. It is indeed not your fault. It is no one's fault...let us just make peace with that fact.

Both of them sounded shaky and unsure though.... And you knew that they were aware of the same thing as you. No matter who's fault it was...none of you were forgetting that gruesome sight. Ever.

Yet still, you tried to talk to Jade to comfort her....but no response came. Everyone tried harder and harder to cheer her up, Tourmaline even trying a few compliments and jokes in desperation. You managed to hold yourself steady against a tree and ask softly: "Jade....are you there?"

Finally...a response came. A response that made your blood freeze in your veins. A voice that reminded you of pain, force and madness. 'Jade isn't hear right now....if you want to talk...I'm more then happy to.' said the mocking voice of Jasper.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2017 ⏰

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