Your biggest fan

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You are roughly woken up from your sleep by pearl screaming at you, only to be pulled away by the arm by Garnet. You had slept on the beach that night because Greg still needs to increase the size of your door, so you can get into your room again.

While practically dragging you away, Garnet fills you in on the situation. A small homeworld ship had suddenly appeared while Steven was at the barn to get Lapis to move in with Peridot.

D-don't worry, commanders we we'll just kick those Homeworlders back to where they belong!

Ahum. offence?

Thats better, you inconsiderate little-

Before she can really get started, you already arrived just in time to see Peridot cowering behind Steven as Lapis smashes the little ship into the ground, creating two squares on the ground. As the hull slowly opens, Garnet pulls you into the barn

As you stand there, five rubies exit the ship for a second before turning their attention towards the barn.

'Hmm, the suspect is supposed to be in this area...'

They look around for a little while, carefully examening the area before turning to the ship

'All is clear commander!'

Then a nasal, voice strikes your ears.'ordering the rubies to explore the area further. A voice that only brings up visions of green halls, a lonely prison cell and endless pain. Then before you know it, you are outside the barn, looking at her smiling as she slowly climbs out of the ship.

' seems you truly are desperate to see me again. Do not worry, i have longed to meet you again too.'

The tone of her voice catches you off guard. It's not cold anymore, like the last time you met. No. This time it sounds...warmer. more syrupy. You'd honestly wonder if this is the same Peridot that experimented on you, if she hadn't said that.

'Oh my, you've grown... you are surpassing my every expectation.', she says in that same tone.

W-what's with the sudden attitude switch?! I dunno if i liked you better in the human's memories or now.

How about we just don't like her?

Works for me, bucko.

'i have watched you, and concluded you are much, much more then i thought. I apologise for my nonstellar behaviour, of course, so-' That tone was starting to freak you out. Plus the fact she claims to have spied on you.

As you wondered what her tone meant, while desperately trying to keep yourself from trying to choke her, the rubies returned. The commanding Ruby coughed and spoke.

'We must leave immediately! So please commander, re-'

The Peridot's voice returned to the cold, nasal voice you remember as two of her fingers grabbed the poor Ruby by the throat, poofing her.


yet when she turns to you, her expression softens lightly.

'Do not worry. I shall return soon, and then you shall be mine again. And if you bend to my rules....' she slowly goes into the ship 'i shall be yours as well'

The ship shakily rose up from the crater, and left at high speed, leaving you speechless.

T-that is SICK!

Dear diamonds, that's UNNATURAL.


Honestly, wether you want it or not, only one word comes into your mind that described her actions and tone, and it is both more disturbing and nothing like you expected it to be. It's sick. It's.....


Heya, here Ghostly. I am simply here to apologise for this chapter. I...had some issues with the plot for this one, so i reworked it three times. And this is what i finally came up with at 23:00 AKA, about two hours ago. I am quite sorry if you don't like it, but it's the best i could come up with all day, and i may have rushed it a bit. Again, sorry.

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