The abominable snowgem

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After your last mission, you were still in bed, relaxing while listening to an ongoing rant between Jade and Tourmaline. Though someone had the wise idea to knock on your door, causing you to have to get up, only to be greeted by Garnet.

After enduring the usual faceslap from Jade, you were going to ask her what was going on, since you nearly never get to see her, yet she spoke before you could even say anything.

'We will be busy with an important mission. You guys have to investigate the most northern portal, as something is trying to get here from there. I cannot see what it is exactly, yet i do not believe it to be a difficult mission. Do you believe you can handle it?'

So basically your sending us into battle with something you don't know?! What the heck, we-


After that, Jade just kept on yapping about how great Garnet was and how thankful she was, until Garnet left for her mission, though you think she might have just been trying to get away from Jade, wich you could completely understand.

Since we are leaving for a far and cold place... i do guess we should depart now, lest we come back late.

And with that, you were off to the temple of the gems, greeting some of the braver townsfolk who didnt run whenever you came by, until you arrived there, noting that the gems had indeed already left on their mission. So you quickly used Azurite's buff to strengthen your legs to go to the warp pad on the hand of the giant gem statue. And with a flash, you were gone, your first solo mission beginning.

The first thing you noted when you re-appeared was the intense cold in this tree-filled white mountain-y area, though your gem skin protected you from that mostly. The second were giant footprints in the snow, with what seemed to be tiny but very deep feet marks of an even bigger creature.

Nope. We're leaving, F*** this!

B-but commander Garnet entrusted us this mission! We should  be able to do this!

She can shove this mission-

Before getting a very graphic description of where Tourmaline would exactly shove the mission, a screech stopped her. Not having forgotten the last encounter with a corrupted gem, you immediately jumped to higher grounds. Though when nothing happened, you slowly got back down again.

This is strange. Corrupted gem creatures usually immediately come to attack us when we are near them....

Well, looks like this one wants to play hide and seek!

Does anything serious ever cross your mind?

You just shrugged and decided to search,following the drag marks. Up hills and down hills. In the snow and on the snow, until you had been searching for half an hour, after wich you decided to sit down on a strange white and hazel-brown tree trunk. Yet when you sat down, it began shaking, as it began glowing.

And then, you could see what had made those footprints. A giant rat unfurled itself, a brown gem blinking on the place where it's left eye should be. Yet happened. With a horrid screech, another white light envelopped the rat-gem, coming from it's back before overtaking it's antire body. And when it went away, you marvelled at the monstrosity before you.

The rat now had long, tender spider legs sprouting from it's back, as it clacked with it's new poisonous fangs, turning to look at you with six pleading eyes that screamed only one thing. It wanted to die.


It conveniently screeched again right at the moment that Tourmaline began her rant, so you could focus on climbing on the monstrous gem's back, towards the gem located there. Sadly though, the creature's tail really didn't like that, as it violently swung at you from all over, trying to crush you like a bug. You managed to jump to the side and hold onto the tail, wich it violently started slamming about.....right onto one of it's gems. Luckily for you, the gem was relatively okay, so you could pull it out without breaking it. After that, it was simply running to the head as the creature was stunned and removing the gem there, before bubbling them.

See? I KNEW we could do it!

We were just lucky! NEVER AGAIN!

Are you all going to bicker or help me find out how that creature was made?

So you decided to take a closer look at the gems, only to be met with an unsetteling sight. A diamond insigna was carved into both of them, and two serial numbers. As in...experiment numbers. You needed to get away NOW! As you tapped the bubbles to let them go to your house, you sprinted towards the panel, and went home, as the gems srill had not returned. You vowed to tell them about it later.

Meanwhile: a happy voice came from behind a tree, as a light-green glow was being emitted from there. "Subject 01 is becoming stronger....they are meeting all my standards and expectations..." and with a desperate, nearly loving sigh, the light dissapeared, as the gem it belonged to vanished deep into the forest.

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