Terrible tastes

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It's been two days since you joined the crystal gems, and things are finally looking positive for you. You became friends with the little boy named Steven, who apparantly is the kid of tge rebel leader Rose Quartz and Greg Universe, a failed rock star, who has a car wash, and Amethyst.

Pearl seemed to have a mixed opinion: she got along great with you and Jade, but it seems like she's kinda mad at Tourmaline and Azurite, even though you try your best to get them to know eachother, and Garnet just straight up evaded you.

You also moved in with the gems. But because you were to big to fit in the house, and Pearl still didnt trust you enough to sleep close to Steven, Greg started building a room for you under the stairway leading to the house. Today was finally the day he'd finish construction, and you helped him as best as you could, by doing all the heavy lifting.

'Hey thanks...um...you four?'

Three actually,because SOMEONE is to lazy to help.

Hey, i can't help my arms are so frail. If i could help, i'd do it!

You let those two keep on bickering in your mind, as you saw Steven running towards you with a girl about his size, laughing and tumbeling trough the sand.

'Hey guys! This is my best friend Connie! Say hello.'

'Ehm.....hey guys! I'm Connie. Pleased to meet you.'

"Heya! Nice to meet you to, Connie. I'm (Y/N)."

Hey bucko. Name's Jade. It's a pleasure.

H-hello. I'm Azurite, and its very nice to interact with another human!

.....Greetings. I am Tourmaline.

Connie then pulled a chocolate bar out of her pocket

"Does anyone want any?"

Does it...contain any human 'condiments'?

Maybe some ground cinnamon?

I-is it salty enough?

You hold out your own hand, and eat it while painfully thinking back to the great taste test Amethyst organised for you yesterday, and finding out each gem's favourite food. You were actually surprised Tourmaline's was the most normal.

Steven then stepped in before Connie could ask more questions about the gems strange requests

'We want to introduce you guys to someone!'

Jade's arm then grabbed Connie and Steven, and put them on your back, while Tourmaline was heavily protesting.

A little while later, you arrived at a barn just at the outskirts of town, and put the kids on the ground.

"So who's the person you guys want to introduce me to?"

Just as you said that, a small green gem came out of the barn, holding a present in front of her, with a big, awkward and kinda forced smile.

'Guys, meet Peridot.'

The moment you saw her, a memory popped into your head, of getting a gem shoved up your eyesocket, and you carefully took a step back.

'Ehm, Steven? The gem experiment seems to be uncomfortable around me. Am i doing something wrong?' The green gem whispered.

"No-no! I j-just had a bad memory, thats all."

You took the present, and gave the gem a smile while opening it, making her ease up a bit. The box contained a giant bottle of ground cinnamon, an extra large salt dispenser and five bottles of mustard. While the gems all thanked Peridot, all you could do was mentally groan.

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