Fourteen: Try Again

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"Oh hello, who is this sexy beast?" Damian questions me, never once moving his eyes off my husband whiles licking his licks like a lion whom has just spotted a gazelle.

Mordecai laughs and puts his hands in his pockets as he walks over to us. He makes his way towards the other side and extends his hand towards Damian

"I'm Mordecai Doyle, Anais' husband." Damian opens his mouth in awe and looks at me then back at Mordecai before shaking his hand.

"Detective Damian French, but you can call me your knight in shining armour, 'cause i'm here to rescue you from the evil queen." He winks as he removes his hand from Mordecai's grip then turns over to me before bursting out in an oddly contagious laughing fit.


"Are you sure you are ok to drive? I can drop you off at your place. I really don't mind." Mordecai says to Derek as he leads him towards the front door.

"No don't worry, i'll be fine. Besides, you and I alone in a car? i don't think i could keep my hands off you!" He chuckles as he turns towards me and speaks whiles placing his hands on my shoulders

His serious attitude has now been replaced by an oddly flamboyant one, it's amazing how alcohol can change a person.

"Annie, we are gonna find out why someone would try to hurt you ok? Heck i'm sure they are booking the shooter as we speak, so don't worry. Now as soon as he gets back i want you to show Mordecai a hell of a good time, he deserves it!" He says the last part in an almost whisper as he cracks a smile and stuffs his hands in his pockets before proceeding to trot out the door.

We wave him goodbye and watch him drive off before shutting the door.

"He seems fun. And what was he talking about when he said they were gonna find out why someone would want to hurt you? You told the police about the letters??" Mordecai interrogates me as we move away from the door.

"It's not about that. I can't go to the police you know that. It's too late now. Anyways there was a shooting at the office. I'm fine but Christy? My receptionist got shot. They say she'll be fine, but also that I was the intended target. Which I know I was." I confess and I see his expression darken.

A few minutes go by as we sit in silence, not even the television is on. Then he says it.

"Lets go away for the weekend. Away from all this. The kids won't be home till Monday, so lets take advantage of it! And from what I could tell by the dates on those letters don't come to you on the weekends. It'll be perfect Anais!" His excitement is overwhelmingly contagious as i feel myself break into a smile and nod my head repeatedly. Then i remember.

"No! I mean, I haven't done today's letter! If I don't do it we can't go, there'll be hell to pay." I say, saddened by my realisation, and by the fact that somehow, I got Mordecai mixed up in all of this.

"Ok, but we leave first thing tomorrow morning. Do you need help?" He asks which takes me by surprise.

"You're willing to help me commit a felony? No! You can't!" I exclaim

"For you, I'll do anything." He smiles. "But if you don't want my help, i understand. I'm gonna take a long bath." He continues as he gets off the couch and walks out of the room.

Now all I need to find that letter.

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