Four: Old Habits

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10:16pm / Anais: You are fucking crazy.

10:16pm / Chuck: For you, hell yes.

10:16pm / Chuck: Amore ti, Bella.

10:17pm / Anais: Chuck....don't. Don't try that bullshit on me. Not Anymore.

10:17pm / Chuck: You'll come around Bella. You'll come around.


I immidiately deleted the conversation after his message. I couldn't let myself fall back in with him. I loved Mordecai now. I don't need anything from that dip shit anymore. But even though it hurts me to admit, I still miss the nights we spent. He made my heart yearn for him. Even when I would be in bed with Mordecai all I could think of was him.

I got up and went to wash my face and shower, by the time I was done, I heard the door open and the familiar sound of my husband's voice echoing through the house.

"Anais? Are you home?" He called out from afar.

"I'm upstairs, be down in a few!" I answered back as I made my way through the bedroom doors and to the stairs, just as something caught the corner of my eye. It glistened as the light from the lap refelected in it. I slowly ade my way over to the small, neatly gift wrapped box on the end table. I picked up the box and studied it from all angles. It wasn't here before, was it? Or had I just not noticed it?

I tuck it under my arm and make my way back to my bedroom to dump it on the dresser when I notice something attached to the under side of it. A small note.

"Bella <3"

It read. I dropped the box and threw my hand over my mouth. That psyco was in my house? He got in my home??

"Anais? Are you ok? I heard a thump" Mordecai concernly called out.

"Um, yes love. I just dropped something off the end table.."I replied. as i picked up the box and threw it into my bedroom. Then I made my way down the stairs. Plastering a smile across my face.

"Hello handsome" I whispered as i grabbed my husbands waist and turned him around to face me before connecting my lips to his. There was one thing i needed from him to take my mind off Chuck. We stood there in silence for a few seconds before he broke away from me, holding my shoulders.

"I'm sorry dear, not tonight. I'm exhausted." He yawned. as he pecked my forehead and moved past me towards the staircase. 

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm the one who should be saying that!" I yell at him impatiently, but I doubt he heard me. I let out a sigh.

This is why I turned to Chuck in the first place.

Mordecai has a heart of gold and is the best person i have ever met. He loves me like crazy and I return the feeling, but our relationship in the bed room is always a rocky one. I used to tease him about not finding me attractive anymore, and after so many months of him refusing to satisfy my urges i began to believe it. Until I met chuck. He wasn't as handsome as Mordecai, or as loving towards me. But he knew how to hit all the right nerves and that is just what i needed. I guess you could say i loved Chuck for the dick and Mordecai for the heart.


I turned around and glared at my phone which was buzzing rapidly on the coffe table. I made my way towards it and looked at the screen.


10:45pm / Chuck: Did you see it Bella? ;-)

10:47pm / Chuck: I hope you like it mi amore.

10:48pm / Chuck: You are lonely, I feel it. Or should I say, my penis feels it? ;-)

10:51pm / Chuck: When are you going to accept that you still have feelings for me! You know Mordecai is a dickless dillweed ._.

10:55pm / Chuck: Just fuck me alreadyyyyyyyy! God! Stop denying it! >:(

10:58 / Missed call from Chuck. (2)


I put the phone back onto the coffee table and sunk into the couch. He was right. I was lonely. But I can't go back to that fuck tard. I unlocked my phone and opened his contact.







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I hovered my thumb over the 'Block' button and prepared to click it. But I couldn't do it. I removed my thumb and tossed the phone across to the opposite chair. No matter how much i wanted to, no matter how much I needed to, I couldn't. We had so much fucking history together. How do you just throw that all away? I needed to be faithful to my husband and the love of my life. I had gone two years without Chuck's touch. So why couldn't I just block him once and for all?

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