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Helloo! And welcome to.... Deadline Dared! I assume you already know what this book is gonna be about from the summary, so I will just let you get right to it! If you are here from "In the dark" I'm going to remind you that this is NOT a sequel.

Some things may seem familiar, like names, but the two stories are in NO WAY RELATED. That said, I hope you enjoy this book! If so, please comment, vote, and share! Spread the love!

Also feel free to read my other stuff as well (shameless self promotion xD).

I will update this book every Wednesday (Hump day lol), this is because I have exams and stuff so I have to keep a schedule that I can follow.

If you get confused about a certain part of the story, feel free to dm or comment about it and I will clear it up for you (But I will not give away what is going to happen next.)

If I make any mistakes, please forgive me. I try to proof read before I post, but most of the chapters are pre-written so I don't over look them before I post.

Now, I'll let you continue on with the book!

S/O to my  friends Ink_Purple and 13blackbeauty ! Check out their books!

~Ali  :3

Deadline DaredTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang