Ten: Spilling Secrets

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"Mordy, I-" I begin to say but am at a loss for words. Something bad is going to happen now, I just know it.

"Don't Mordy me! You've been lying to me all this time! All these letters, what the fuck are they! And who the hell is Chuck!" He screams angrily as he makes his way towards me. For the first time since I left the gang, I feel scared shitless.

"Let me explain! Please! I'll tell you every thing!" I beg him, and through gritted teeth he nods.

So I collapse to the ground and begin to break down in front of my husband. I tell him everything, about the gang, Marcos, the letters and the reasons why I do as they say.

"I'm so sorry Mordecai! I didn't want you to get hurt! I was and am so afraid! They took my baby the first time I disobeyed them and now that you know, oh god you know!" I cry into my hands.

"But why didn't you just go to the police!" He yells.

"I can't! They'd expose my past!" I yell back behind the cries.

"Not about the letters! About you! Why didn't you just tell them what you did when you did it! Instead of just sitting on it for so long!" His voice begins to grow tired as he slumps down next to me.

"I-I-I don't know! I was young and afraid! I...don't...know" I sigh. Why didn't I just tell them in the first place. None of this would have happened. "I'm....so sorry." I muster up.

He grabs me and pulls me over with his left arm. "It's ok.You've been through so much. Who ever is doing this is an asshole and we will find a way to stop them. Ok?" He tries to comfort me, but it's no use. The only way this will stop is if someone knows my past or if I....no. It won't come to that. Right?

"But just one more thing..Who the hell is chuck?" He asks sternly.

"He's....my ex lover..." I begin as tears make their way out of my eyes. "When you refused to have sex with me all those times I grew tired and frustrated. So I went out to find someone who would. And lo and behold I found chuck. We were together for a few months but we split two years ago. He recently contacted me again. He was the reason I ended up in the hospital. Mordecai I'm so so sorry" I sob.

"You cheated on me? Anais....." His voice begins to shake, then he sighs. "I understand why you did it, and even though this hurts me, the thought of losing you hurts me more. So I forgive you. But this Chuck guy? I'm going to fucking kill him for what he did to you." He says with anger as he begins to get up. I pull him back down.

"No! No. Don't please. I can handle this. Trust me." I plead. I don't need him getting involved in this. God forbid something happens to me, I need him to be there for our kids.

"Anais, let me help you. I ca-" He begins.

"No!" I cut him off. "I don't want you getting involved in this, at all." I cut in.

I go on to explain why he can't get involved i great detail.

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