Eight: Fatal "Accident"

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"Ana-" A muffled voice calls out from the distance.

"Anais!" The voice gets closer.

"Oh my god Anais!" I feel their cold hands around my head. I try to open my eyes but to no avail. I try to move my legs, but also to no avail. I feel paralysed, stricken with fear and paranoia.

"It's ok Ana, it'll be ok." The voice repeats over many times and before i know it I can feel myself being lifted up and carried away.


"Anais? Can you hear me?" I hear a familiar voice question me

I try to pull open my eyes, and thankfully i succeed and come face to face with Nicole, worry dripping from her eyes.

"Ana! Thank god you are ok!" Nicole had gone to live in Japan since she dropped out of University and had now developed a thick Japanese accent which flooded my sensitive ears. I was stunned to see her standing by my side, squeezing my hand. How come no one told me she was back?

"Ni-Nic-" I try to muster up her name but find no strength within me to do so.

"Ssh, its ok sis. Don't speak. Oh my god i have to get the doctor!" She says with excitement as she hastily released my hand and practically ran towards the door.

"Doctor Mathews! She's awake! She's awake!" She repeated as she stormed out the room, leaving me by myself once more. I cock my head around and survey the surroundings. the room is eerily silent, its walls painted a very slight hint of blue. A single window to the right of me, a cream door of centre to the left, and on the direct left side was the main door of my room. Then it caught my eye. Right next to me on the bedside table was a bouquet of plump red roses in a black vase. I smile took place on my lips, but faded quickly once I saw the black envelope intertwined with the rose stems. I reached over and just about managed to pry it free.


It read. It was just like all the others. except this time, it had my name on the front, not 'truth or dare'. Probably to make it look normal. I quickly ripped open the envelope without a second thought and read the message.


Aww poor baby got hurt? Well suck it up. Just because you are in the hospital doesn't mean you can dodge my game, Tonyai. Not in the slightest. I have been watching you. Monitoring your recovery. You've been out for quite some time, and it's such a shame because I have had to go so long without playing with my favourite toy. But now that you are all fixed up, we can play again! They probably won't let you go till tomorrow, how annoying. But there is nothing I can do about that. Unfortunately. So we will cover all the lost ground then, shall we? 



I let out a breath of relief. Thank god, this sickco had some sort of compassion. But I knew that what ever they had in store for me was going to be worse than what I was forced to do before, after all, according to them I was gone for long. So I had to make up for that.

I folded the letter and stuffed it back in between the rose stems hoping that I had disguised it well enough. I shoved the envelope underneath the bed. They'll just discard it and think nothing more.

Just as i did this the door burst open and a rather tall, and visibly fit man in scrubs and a lab coat burst through it. His auburn hair was cut short and spiked up, he was obviously much younger than myself.

"Good day Mrs. Doyle. It's great to see you awake at last." He smiled as he picked up the file hanging off the edge of my bed.

"You have been out for edging on a month now. Your husband, Mr. Doyle, rarely left your side. Usually slept beside you. But just a few hours ago your sister came in and made him leave. We just called him and he's on his way now, but you can't leave until tomorrow afternoon." He continues as he puts the file down and makes his way closer to my side.

"Your sister is outside making phone calls, alerting family members. How do you feel though?" He asks, his warm smile never leaving his face for a second.

"I-I-I..." I struggle to say, but hardly anything makes it out of my mouth.

"It's ok, you don't need to talk now. Not yet anyways. After what you went through and the major surgery, its understandable why you would struggle to speak." He told me. He must of sensed the look of confusion on my face because he followed that up shortly with an explanation.

"Oh right. You were slashed multiple times in the throat and lungs. Your left lung was collapsed but we managed to re-inflate it. Your vocal chords were severely damaged as well as your trachea. Breathing and swallowing will be very uncomfortable for the next few days, but no matter what you have to continue as normal to get your body used to it. I suggest you refrain from talking until Saturday just so that you don't strain yourself. But no raising your voice, that could damage the sensitive stitching we have done. We can also arrange speech therapy if you would like."

I shook my head.

He nodded and began to make his way to the door as my sister bust in through the door, stumbling over and practically falling to his arms.

"Oh my god! Dr. Mathews! I am so sorry!" She exclaimed, her face turning bright red.

"Don't worry about it." He winked as he balanced her and walked out the door.

I shot my sister a suspicious look.

"We are not involved if that's what you are thinking. I merely tripped and thankfully he caught me." She told me, noticing my look.

"Oh Ana! How i've missed you so! I can't believe this happened? Who would do this to you?" She said with worry.

Yes, who indeed. Who would want to harm me? But I knew who, Chuck. That sick freak. But what about those two figures? Who were they and why did they do this to me?

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