Seven: Messy Matters

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I thrust open my eyes to see, well, nothing. The darkness tickles my bare skin, but soon i realise it is not the darkness touching my skin. This thing feels rounded and soft, with many points. As though it was a hand. Shit. It IS a hand. The light suddenly floods my now actually open eyes. It takes a few seconds but soon i see it. Chuck laying next to me, running his delicate fingers up and down my naked skin, i try to move my hands to push him away but I quickly realise that my hands are bound behind my back with what seems to be too tight fuzzy handcuffs. My mouth is also bound with a gag. I feel violated. No, i have been violated. My eyes stare at him with anger. As he runs his fingers back up he matches my eyes and smirks wickedly. Was he the one who has been sending me those letters? Was this the plan all along? That desperate fuck!

"Sssh, don't struggle Bella. I'll let you go soon if you behave" He licks his lips. "Now, I'm going to remove your gag, but only because I want to feel you soft lips against mine. If you try anything funny, I swear i'll shove my dick down your throat until you choke on it. Capisce?" He winks at me. I swallow and nod my head, fear rushing through my veins. He unties and peels off the gag just as he makes contact with my lips. I feel a single hot tear escape my eye. No Anais you can't, not again. Not again.


"Anais! Get your ass in here!" Marcos Sovemon demands. His bold voice bellowing through the hall. I take a deep breath as I don nothing but the lace robe. I wanted to break down, to plead him not to. Not today. But I know I can't get out of it. It was the debt I had to pay to the gang. Every week I was to put on the elaborate black lace robe, 6 inch stilettos and only red lipstick. Then make my way to Marcos' room. The first time it happened, i took it as only an initiation right, i remember entering his room dressed as instructed, and laying on the bed. Legs spread wide awaiting his arrival. Once he entered i pleaded with him in the most seductive voice I could muster;

"Please be gentle, i'm a virgin" I winked, unfortunately, this only excited him more. He was anything but gentle. In the end i was left in pain, my face was red and I was so sore I could barely stand. I had been defiled. Once he noticed me crying he slapped me hard across the face.

"Why the fuck are you crying you pathetic cunt? You better shut up or i will end you!"He repeats as he slaps me what feels like a hundred more times.

"Go. Now." He screams into my ear, spit flying all over my face.

"Oh, and Anais?" He mimics a zipping motion over his mouth. "Or else." A sinister grin dancing on his lips as he slaps my ass and practically throws me out of the room.

And now here I was. For about the twentieth time, about to go through the same abuse. I knock on the door and take a deep breath. Just a few hours, and that's it.


"Oh Bella, come now. Don't cry mi amore." Chuck says to me as he pushes my hair behind my ear. My cheeks are wet for all the crying I had unknowingly done. Just then two dainty figures, dressed head to toe in black enter the room. They were so covered up I can't even tell what race they are, let alone  who they were.

"Ok, time's up Chuck. You've had your fun. Let's get that bitch out of here and prepare for later." One figure said, their voice raspy yet it sounded as though they were trying to hard to deepen their voice. Chuck takes a deep breath and sighs.

"Can I just have a few more minutes? I want to stick her one more time. Lord knows I'd probably never get the chance again." He pleads with remorse as he winks.

"Five minutes. You better hurry up, 'cuz wether you are done or not, we're dumping her out." The same figure replied as they and the other one exited the room, slamming the door behind them. Chuck pulls away from me and re ties my gag, I plead with him with my eyes to spare me, he notices my expression and laughs which spends chills down my spine.

"I'm not going to fuck you, chill I had my fun already. I just wanted a few more minutes alone with you. I do love you Bella, trust me. I just needed to feel you once more. I'm sorry." He says as he buttons up his jeans and pulls on his shirt. "I hope you know I will still try to win back your love, mi amore. No matter what." He winks at me as he pulls open the door and exits. Leaving me alone, naked on this filthy bed.

Shortly after the two figures enter and approach me with a cloth. I knew it was chloroform, they lift my head up and shove the cloth over my face. I make no effort to struggle, I just hope that they spare my life.

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