Six: Downward Spiral

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"Hey sexy." His voice echoes through my ears. I feel like crying. What the fuck was he doing at my house at this time??

"What the hell do you think you are doing?!" I quietly exclaim as I move through the door and let it close behind me.

He looks at me with longing in his dark brown eyes. His hair is scattered and he is dressed in sweatpants and a fitting t-shirt with trainers on.

"You want me back. So I came to you. Isn't that what you wanted?" He raises an eyebrow

" mean yes..uhhh" I stutter, trying to think of what to say to justify myself, but nothing comes out of my mouth.

"Uhh uhh uhh what? You said in your text that you wanted me back. So here I am Bella." He speaks as he grabs my waist and quickly pulls me closer to him, almost causing me to trip over my long dress.

I push him away, he shoots me a look of disbelief.

"I wasn't thinking clearly. This is a mistake. You need to move on Chuck." I say refusing to make eye contact to him, just as I turn to pull open the door he grabs my wrist with this firm hand.

"I know and you know you want me. And i'm willing to wait until you realise that." He informs me as i pull my hand away from his grasp. I storm inside the house, shutting the door in his face and take a deep breath. I walk back towards the table and take my seat, plastering a smile on my face to put my husband at ease.

"Who was that?" The whispers in between his conversation with the head chairman of the board.

"Just a solicitor. I took care of it" I reply, kissing his cheek. And with that the night went on without a hitch. 


I wake up the next morning sore, having no recollection of what occurred last night, all i remember is alcohol. Lots of alcohol. I sat up and looked around my room so see a naked Mordecai passed out on the floor next to the bathroom door. I refrain myself from laughing as I get out of bed and cover him up with the blanket, then it hit me like a sack of bricks. The hangover. Oh god I swear it feels as though a bee has just stung my brain. I stumble back as the room becomes fuzzy and my vision blurs. And before I know it I wake up on the floor, just as Mordecai was once before, and he was towering above me.

"Wakey wakey," He says with a warm smile as he bends over and touches my shoulder, he is  now fully clothed.

"Wha-at ti-ime is i-it?" I hiccup.

He peers at his wrist watch, and says "It's... 1pm." Then he shoves his hand back into his pocket.

"What?!" I scream as I attempt to get up but feel a sharp pain in my head. I yell in agony placing my hand at the back of my head.

"Whoa there, just relax. I called your office and took a day off for you." He ensures me as he picks me up, bridal style, and lays me on the bed.

"Get some sleep and when you feel better you can take a shower too. I'm going to the office for a few hours. Miriam took the girls to school already and she can run you a bath as soon as she gets back from lunch." He reminds me as he steps towards the door.

"I love you." He says with a sweet smile as he leaves the room.

And just like that he was gone.

As though he was never even there. As time passes I recover bits and pieces from last night, the games, the jokes, the-chuck? Shit. I turn myself onto my side and grab my phone, the screen is completely blown up with all sorts of messages from chuck. Ranging from love to smut. I shudder unlock my phone and read each message one my one. Noticing how easily the tone changes between minutes.

'I loved how you looked tonight' one said.

'God i want to be inside you so much right now.' another said.

'You bitch you know you want to fuck me! We both know it! Sot being such a cunt!' the last said. I gape in horror as I read each of the many messages over and over again. Leaving him was the best decision I ever made.

My phone dings and I move my eyes towards his most recent message, sent only a few minutes ago.

1:16pm / Chuck: Bella.....

1:22pm / Chuck: I highly apologise. I don't know what got into me, let me make it up to you.

1:23pm / Ananis: Chuck, I told you. It's OVER. Please, just let me be. Please...

1:23pm / Chuck: Bella, you aren't happy with him. Why can't you see it? Just give me one more chance. Please. No sex. Just talking.

1:24pm / Chuck: If you are willing to bless me with your forgiveness, meet me at Plamer cafe on 2nd ave. at 2pm today. I hope you look deep into you heart and forgive me.

I took a deep breath. Palmer cafe was where we always went where we wanted to get together. Was this a good idea? Probably not. But maybe, just maybe if I meet up with him, I can get him to leave me alone and move on with his life. I take a deep breath and get ready. A few minutes later, after I take an aspirin, I grab my keys and head out the door.


I park my car in front of the cafe door and get out. My pale yellow Sunday dress and beach blonde hair flow in the wind. I remove my sunglasses as I enter the cafe and look around,then I see him. Sitting alone at our usual table right in front of a large window. He pulls his head up anxiously and spins his head around to see if i'm here then he spots me and his eyes fill with joy and relief. I regret this decision now, what if he thinks I truly still have feelings for him? No. I don't. I'm here to stop this nonsense. I saunter over to the table and take a seat across him. There are two coffees already on the table. One Mojito Mocha, my favourite alcoholic coffee,  across me and a plain black coffee across him.

"Bella," his succulent voice rings through my ears, reminding me of what I saw in him.

"Don't." i state coldly showing no remorse or sense of mercy as i cut him off. "I am here to talk. Not fuck you, capisce? So none of this Bella, Bella nonsense."

"Bel- I mean Anais, I am sorry. For what I did, but you have to understand from my point of view. I loved you so much that I was willing to kill someone who hurt you. Don't you think that's just a little sweet?" He asks with sympathy screaming through his voice.

"Are you insane? I never want ANYONE to kill someone for me! I could go to prison for that! As an accessory to murder! Or they would call me the 'mastermind who manipulate the poor foreign man'. Don't you understand that?! I don't care you you are willing to go to prison, i am not! I have a husband, two kids and a professional career! How could you even fathom that that would be a good idea!" I practically scream.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't think-" He begins, just as I cut him off once more.

"That's right. You didn't think. You never do. Like for fucks sake Chuck. What the absolute fuck!" The anger in my voice begins to show through vibrantly. Silence falls upon us as I take a sip of my double shot Mocha. I needed something to calm me down and this should hopefully do the trick.

"Please, can you just forgive me?" He says a a seemingly wicked smile falls upon his face.

I take another sip of my mocha. "I will forgive you, but you are mentally deranged if you think I will ever take yo-o-ou ba-a-c....." My words begin to slur as I feel the room spin. What the hell is happening? Did the extra caffine in my mocha activate my hang over? Had I not fully recovered?

Then I see the gin on his face grow wider. That bitch put something in my drink. Fuck. Why the hell did I drink it? Oh jesus i'm so retarded!

"Bi-i-i-t-t-t-c" I attempt to say just as he mouths the words, "Sweet dreams, Bella donna." and with that, I black out.

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