Thirteen: Forgetting Pasts

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"Answer me, Detective French. Did you love Chuck Foxx?" I say my eyes piercing  into his.

"That was over 2 months ago." He states as he breaks my gaze and fixes his skinny red tie. "A long, long time ago." He sighs before returning back to my gaze.

"What happened?" I ease into a more welcoming position. For a gay man he looks overly masculine, then again a lot of gay men do.

A sudden pang of realisation flashes across his eyes and he sits up, returning his professional demeanour and attempting to take control of the interrogation once more.

"Mrs. Doyle, I'm the only one doing the interrogating here. So once again, is he the only one who has previously caused you trouble. And no diverting off topic please, i am on the clock after all and i would like to be done with this as soon as possible." He says with strong assertion which takes me by surprise. There is something about him that makes me want to know him, as a person not just a detective. Maybe I will have to conduct my own investigation about the mysterious Detective French.

"Ok officer." I say with a playful smile. "No, only Chuck. I have childhood issues with my siblings but I haven't heard from then since I was a teenager, well my older sister Nicole. She wen't missing last night, as I'm sure you're aware of." I continue, my face becoming dark as I talk about Nicole's disappearance.

"Alright. That concludes it. Here is my card and i will be in touch if anything comes up. In the mean time I suggest you get back to your house." He informs me as he rises and grabs his jacket from the back of the chair. I need to know more about him.

"Wait!" I blurt out. "I don't have any means to get home! My car is at my office and my husband will be at work! Plus I have no cash for a cab!" I say desperately trying to get him to give me a ride.

"I'll have one of the patrol officers take you" He begins as he makes his way to the door.

"No!" I shout, he looks at me sideways, confused. "I mean... I would be more comfortable if you dropped me off. Seeing as how you rendered me transport-less." I stand abruptly from the table almost knocking over the chair.

He laughs then nods his head and we leave the room.

"You realise i'm not into women right Mrs. Doyle? So don't get any ideas." He says light heartedly as he slows the car down and eases it into the driveway.

I laugh. "I don't expect anything to happen detective. My husband satisfies me enough as is, so don't feel flattered. And please, call me Anais."

He smiles as he gives a gentle nod.

I make my way out of the car and as am about to thank him for the ride i realise that i didn't get the answers i needed so i did what any girl would do in a last ditch effort to get a man into her house.

"Would you like to stay for a quick coffee? Just to say thank you?" I plead with my eyes for what feels like the longest second ever until he agrees.

"Sure. Why not." He replies as he locks his car and makes his way into my house.

Before i knew it a cup of coffee at 12pm turned into tree glasses of wine by 5pm. Thank god my children are going to a sleep over this weekend, id rather not let them see me drunk like this.

The house echoes with laughter as we discuss our lives and what we've been through. Detective French, or as he monotonously goes by; Damian, has had a very interesting life. He may be 46 but he doesn't look a day over 20.

"So you were an exotic dancer?!" I burst out into laughter at the thought of this serious man before me dancing around a pole, in speedos and cowboy boots with electronic music and purple light surrounding him as other men and women throw dollar bills at him.

"For most of my time at University, yes. I had to make a living some how, didn't I?" He explains full of joy and excitement.

"Most people just get a job at McDonalds or KFC, not Destiny's Dancers!" I proclaim succumbing to laughter.

"Well, Damian French is not most people mind you." He struggles to maintain a straight face and also succumbs to laughter.

"But in all seriousness it is an experience i'm glad I partook in. Those few years dancing at that club taught me something about myself. Something that my parents were deathly against." A dark look flashes over his face for a moment but is soon replaced once more with the jovial expression.

"What's that?" I say stupidly realising afterwards that it was his sexuality.

"That I like to sleep with men of course!" He proclaims as he jumps up and spreads his arms wide as though announcing it to the world before falling back onto the couch with a thump and laughing uncontrollably.

"Is that so?" A deep voice from behind interrupts our laughter as we snap our heads back in unison. Mordecai stands in the doorway arms crossed with a cheeky smirk dancing on his lips.

Deadline DaredOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora