Three: Past Reminders

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Once I park my car in the driveway and breathe a sigh of relief. I jump out of my car and make my way inside my house when suddenly my phone vibrates.

10:08pm / Chuck: Hey Bella.

Shit. Chuck? Oh hell no. I hastily rush into my home and throw myself into the closest chair to reply. It had been so long, why the hell was he sending me a message now? What part of 'I'll have you arrested if you try to contact me again' did he not understand? What he really that mych of a retard?


10:10pm / Anais: I told you never to contact me again. I'll call the police.

10:11pm / Chuck: Oh come now Bella, you are still upset about THAT?

10:11pm / Anais: Again, i will call the police. Stop contacting me.

10:12pm / Chuck: You wouldn't dare. It's sad to think I know you better than you know yourself.

10:12pm / Anais: Fuck you.

10:12pm / Chuck: That's the point, sweet Bella ;-)

10:13pm / Anais: No.

10:13pm / Chuck: Oh come on, grow up. You know you want to. I've missed you and I know you have missed me too Bella. :-*


I paused as I gaped at the message. How dare he? That fuck-wat. He nearly fucked up my life and my marriage, now he says he misses me? Who the fuck does this asshat think he is? I glare at the screen, reading the last word over and over. Bella. God it has been so long since I've been called that. He said it ment 'Beautiful' in Italian. I close my eyes as I so vividly remeber our lost love.

The way he would call me Bella as he kissed my forehead after he tucked my hair behind my ear. The way he said it, with his deep voice and stunning accent made me melt every time. Fuck. I was so fucking stupid. scream to myself as i blink away the tears that were now dripping onto my phone screen. I remember how he held me, how he whispered "Io amore ti" into my ear so delicately every time we fucked. And of course, like the love sick bitch I am, I believed him. Then he goes and fucks everything up.


10:15pm / Anais: Stop. Just stop, ok? What ever we had, it is over. You ended it the second you attacked her.

10:15pm / Chuck: Oh for fucks sakes Bella. You WANTED that bitch dead! You complained about how she ruined your life almost everyday. I couldn't stand to see you so upset when she reached out to you after all those years. So I did what every man says he would do for a woman he loves. I would kill for you. And I almost did.


The tears were now in full force, my mascara running along with it. I knew he was right. I was so angry when my mother's mother decided that she was finally ready to treat me like I was human. I did hate her and she did make my life hell. But obviously I never, ever wanted her fucking dead! And I CERTAINLY did not want chuck to murder her!

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