Two: Unspeakable Crimes

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I park my car a few blocks away from her front door, and stalk it out. It's completely dark inside her house and I can't see anything. I take a deep breath, I need to do this.

You would think doing these things gets easier with time, but it doesn't. But its not because of the initial shock of having to do it, no no, it's because the sick cunt that sends me these letters keeps making these harder and more gruesome every fucking day. It's only a matter of time before he makes me chop some poor prostitute's head off. Or worse. The thought of having to kill someone sends ice cold chills down my spine.

I look into my rearview mirror and see the reflection of the rope and duck tape behind me. I can't believe i'm doing this. Just then i see a navy blue, kia picanto ease into the drive way. Maria? I see a figure moving in the car. Wait, that another person? Shit! A woman who I can only imagine is Maria gets out of the driver's side of the small car and makes her way to the back. She tugs open the door and a young boy, he seems about 9, jumps out and races to the front door, and into the house. Holy shit, she has a son?? How the fuck am I going to do this now! Oh you sick fuck, you knew she had a son and you make me kidnap her?? Damnit! I slam my fist into the wheel.

I watch for a few more seconds as she makes her way to the boot of her car and unloads what appears to be grocery bags. If i was going to do this, now was the time. I reached over to the passenger's seat and hastily grabbed the chloroform and some cloth. I douse the cloth in the chloroform and swing open my car door. It was a very poorly lit neighbour hood with fairly narrow streets and covered with a thick blanket of trees and bushes, so hopefully no one will see me. I jog quickly down the street and crouch behind a trash can.

Maria is mere feet away from me, i get up and slowly make my way behind her. I reach for the cloth and swiftly place it over her mouth and nose. And after a few seconds of struggling, she gives into it and passes out.

"I'm sorry old friend," I whisper under my breath "It was you or me...."

I'm now dragging her limp body all the way back to my car. Oh god, I hope no one see's me. After a few minutes of dragging her, i finally get to my car and pop open the boot. I shove her in and place the still damp cloth over her nose and mouth, hopefully that will sedate her just enough so that when she awakes, I am long gone.


After driving for what seems like forever, we finally reach our destination. I cut the engine and grab the supplies from the back seat of my car. I briskly walk to the trunk and pop it open, after which i check to make sure Maria is still alive, thankfully, the bitch is.

After a few more minutes of dragging and adjusting, I prop Maria up against the large willow tree located dead in front of the familiar red brick building with white accents. Harvard University. My days here were less than desirable but they made me who I am today. Well, the social figure I am, not the kidnapper.

"Mmm" I hear a moan and snap out of reminiscing about my days of university, remembering the task at hand. I grab the chloroform and douse the cloth in some more, then once again i shove Maria's face into it. I grab the rope, wrap it around her frail body about five times and tie an alpine butterfly knot, which was quite difficult to do with gloved hands, but still making sure it's tight. Finally i secure her mouth shut with the tape and quickly make my way to my car, basically running. Once I was safely in the car I began speeding towards my home, time was at the essence. 

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