Midoria's Heart 36 - Traitor

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Hey guys! Sorry its been so long since the last upload >.<

but anyway, here you go =)


Chapter 36 - Traitor

I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move, couldn’t think. All I could do was stare at Jay and pray desperately that I was imagining things. Pray that I had gone crazy, or that this was some sick joke. Because this couldn’t possibly be real. Jay wasn’t… couldn’t be working with Irial. There was just no way… was there?

“Jay?” Lisimi’s tentative voice broke the raging silence that had followed Irial’s words. Jay tore his expressionless eyes away from mine and turned to look blankly at Lis. “Please tell me this isn’t true. Tell me he’s lying,” she pleaded, sounding as desperate as I felt. He didn’t answer, though. He just looked over at Irial, his face completely unreadable.

“Oh, it’s the truth,” Irial told us mercilessly, sounding as though he were enjoying every second of our confusion and pain. “Blue Jay is my dear little brother’s son. Ever since his father’s… unfortunate death,” he hardly sounded like he believed his brother’s death was unfortunate. I remembered vaguely that Jay had said his parents had been murdered. “Jay has lived with me. And he is completely devoted to my cause, aren’t you Jay?” Jay’s eyes tightened, but he nodded curtly at his uncle.

That quick gesture broke the hold over me. Everything that held my world together shattered in an instant, and I lost control of my thoughts and actions. “You traitor!” I heard myself scream at Jay, but it seemed as though I stood behind a sheet of glass. I felt my mind throw up all the walls, trying futilely to protect myself from the heartbreak and betrayal I felt. “You bastard! I trusted you!”

I would have thrown myself at him, but a strong arm wrapped itself around my waist, pulling me back. Beside Jay, Irial was laughing callously at the devastation he had caused. “Look how passionate she is in her hatred for you,” he smirked at Jay, who continued to stare at me without even a hint of an expression on his traitorous face. “But enough of this for now. I really do need to speak to my nephew in private.” He turned to the man that was holding me. “Ashton, bring our guests to their quarters,” he ordered. “And do be careful with the Princess,” he added as Ashton dragged me towards the door, “We need her.”

As soon as we were through the door I gave up fighting against Ashton. He was way stronger than me, and it was clear that struggling would do me no good. I sighed in defeat and allowed myself to be dragged through the maze of hallways once more. I barely noticed where we were going this time, though, to preoccupied by my thoughts. Only when we moved from a lit corridor to a dark staircase did I realize we were being led to the basement, which was probably some form of dungeon area.

Sure enough, not five steps into the basement was a cold iron door that looked as though it could withstand an explosion and still not open. Behind that was a small, dark and cold room that held several prison-like cells. Daniel and Lisimi were thrown into one together, and I was pushed roughly into another. I collapsed against the cold stone floor, too broken to even pull myself up of the ground.


I stood in my uncle’s office, shaking in anger. He was in front of the window, looking out over the darkened village that lay below the manor. At night, you couldn’t see the fallen in roofs or the shattered windows. As the village lay sleeping, it was hard to tell that it lay home to merciless criminals.

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