Where It All Started

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This story is how I, Ayden Ichinomiya, the orphan, came to live with Japans five baddest bidders. But as not to confuse all the readers, of my story, I'll start from the beginning.

Ayden Jones, 17 years old with sapphire blue eyes, long wine red hair, pale skin, and standing 5'5, came "home" or at least that's what all the orphans that live there call it. This orphanage was different than most others in Japan, while most only house Japanese children; this one took in all types of different ethnicities, although all the children there spoke Japanese as a native language. As she was about to open the door she could hear all the children running around playing and yelling. When she opened the door, 6-year-old twins ran straight to her asking about dinner.

"Ay-chan can we have pizza for dinner?" asked Logan.

"No, I want spaghetti." Lucy retorted

"For twins, you two can never agree on dinner. Let's get a vote from everyone first."

"Fine", the two pouted as the 17-year-old patted their heads as she walked passed them.

Ayden gathered everyone in the dining room, from the babies to the teens, as it was the only room they ever used for a vote of this type, aside from the living room. She took the vote knowing full well the verdict would be pizza.

"Where are the girls at?" Ayden inquired about the trio of 16-year-old girls, Stacy, Yuki, and Yong, already leaving the room to get them.

The three girls don't like Ayden, as far as she could tell, and hardly got along with any of the others. The only reason she could think of was they were jealous of all the kids that were adopted before the. Why wouldn't they be, they've been here since they were 9. The longest anyone has stayed, besides Ayden. But no one ever really adopts kids when they hit their teens, and that's why 10 of the 25 kids there are 12 or older. After the kids hit 13 they usually give up on finding a home.

Ayden made it to their room upstairs and entered without knocking like always.

"Are you ever gonna learn to knock?" "Are you ever gonna learn to get along with the others here?" "No." "Then nope." Ayden exchanged conversation, as short as it may be, with Yong, a blonde, green-eyed, tan skinned, and 5'3 girl.

"What kind of pizza do you three want? And I expect you all to come to the dining room to eat with everyone."

"We'll have cheese like always. And we will bring it to our room like always." Yuki replied. She has blonde hair, olive skin, green eyes, and is an inch shorter than her sister Yong.

"Just because you're older than us doesn't mean you're the boss of us." Stacy, a brunette with brown eyes and dark tan skin, stated half-heartedly as always.

"No it doesn't, but I don't want you three to not have anyone to call friends or family. I've been here since I was four years old for the most part, and for the first 12 years I shut everyone out till I finally realized I needed someone to rely on or I would always be alone. Don't be like that it's not fun, it's a lonely path to follow."

"Fine we'll eat with everyone if it will make you shut up." Stacy half yelled in annoyance, from the same thing the older girl always said.

"Dinner will be done within the hour. I'll send John after you." Ayden said leaving the trio to make dinner.

An hour later everyone, except Ayden who was cleaning up in the kitchen before she ate, was sitting at the long table eating and talking. 10 minutes into dinner Mrs. Harris came in standing behind Yanagi-san, owners of the orphanage, with a big smile on her face.

At this time the 17-year-old came in with two plates, one for Mrs. Harris and the other for her. "What's the smile for? Someone might think you won the lottery." She said with a sarcastic smile.

"I wish but no. In fact, I think it's even better than the lottery." Mrs. Harris replied. The smile on her face growing even bigger, as if it were even possible. "We are having very famous visitors tomorrow evening and I want everyone on their best behavior because I think they are looking to adopt. And Ayden, I want you to cook the best dish you know how."

"Okay, but may we ask who these visitors are?" asked Akito, his interest finally being piqued.

"No, you may not." She retorted and a chorus of "aww" and "aww man's" were heard throughout the dining room.

"Fine we can deal with that, but have any suggestions as to what I should cook? I need to be prepared for how many there will be, and I will have to make a list of ingredients to go buy." Ayden said through a mouth full of food.

"Plan for anywhere between 3 to 12 people." "Why so many, may I ask?" "Because that's just how many will be coming. As for what to cook, let the kids vote." As Mrs. Harris finished the two of them looked at everyone in the room, with raised eyebrows. After the kids looked at each other, as if reading minds, they all nodded and simultaneously said curry.

"I think we have our verdict and not a bad one at that." Yanagi-san finally spoke up. And with that everyone finished eating and they all did their chores before getting ready for bed and their surprise visitors.


Hey everyone this is my first time writing, but I hope you like it. If you have any ideas for the story or any critiques, I'm open to them all.

Assume everyone speaks Japanese unless otherwise indicated.

And yes I did use my username (Ay-chan/Ayden) for my OC.

Also I will limit the use of bad language as to not offend anyone. And I will try to update as often as possible.

Thanks for reading!!!

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