Chapter 5: Just Don't Ask Questions.

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Sam had no idea where she would go. It wasn't like she could walk up to a random door, and ask if she could stay a while.

She knew that as soon as Reed woke up and realized that she had run off, he would freak out and then become angry. Probably searching the whole city for the girl.

Sam pulled the duffel bag tight on her shoulder as she walked down the sidewalk. The sun was beginning to set and it would soon grow dark.

Sam stopped at the crosswalk and waited for the white, walking signal to flash on. She shivered as a cool breeze blew through her. She quickly crossed the street, trying not to get in anyone's way.

She began to walk down the new sidewalk, when she spotted an empty bench. She glided over to it and sat down on the chiled metal. She set her belongings down to the left of herself and crossed her arms, trying to keep her body warm. Resting her head on the back of the bench, Sam stretched out her arms and her legs. She blinked her eyes and slightly dozed off in silence. People walked past her and taxis drove through the streets. But, as she was sitting, she felt someone stop and stand in front of her.

"Sam?" A teen aged boy's voice asked.

Sam opened her eyes to see Justin standing in front of her.

"Justin?" Sam asked, as she began to stand from the bench.

"What are you doing here?" Justin questioned her, as he looked at her duffel bag.

"I kind of ran away from home," Sam replied.


Sam and Justin climbed up the four flights of stairs that led to his small apartment.

He rattled his keys and then stuck one into the lock. He swung the door opened and stepped inside. He looked back at Sam and spoke,

"Make yourself at home."

Sam stepped inside the minuscule apartment and looked around in complete and utter confusion.

"You live here?" Sam asked him. Justin looked over at her,

"Yeah, my aunt and I live here. Where do you live, anyways?"

Sam didn't want Justin to know who she really was. She didn't want to be labeled by her family's name. So, she came up with the best lie that she could.

"Oh, I live in the government apartments about 7 blocks away."

Justin nodded his head,

"Yeah, I know where you're talking about." Sam smiled and entered the kitchen. "But, how does you family afford Lenchester?"

Sam shut her eyes,

"Oh....I, um, received a scholarship to go there.."

"Wow, you must have been really smart," Justin said with an impressed look.

"Yep, I have been labeled 'The Genius' in my family," Sam commented, as she glanced around the cooking area.

Justin pulled out a chair and sat down, he gestured for her to do the same. Sam sat down in one of the uncomfortable chairs and glanced out the window across from her.

She figured Reed wouldn't look here for her, but she knew she needed to leave Manhattan soon.

She shook her legs, nervously and Justin looked at her.

"Why did you run away?"

Sam let out a depressed sigh,

"My brother is so protective and sheltering of me. I mean, I can't do anything without checking with him first."

"Does he have a job?"

"Um...yeah, he works for a...paper company," Sam said, slowly.

 The two sat in silence for a moment.

"Which paper company?"

"Uh...Dunder...Mifflin," Sam replied back with a slight nod of her head.

"So, do you want to watch some T.V. or something?"

"Sure," Sam said, as she and Justin stood from the table.

They walked into the cramped room and sat down on the green sofa. Sam pulled her legs up close to her waist and held them, tightly.

She glanced over to the window behind them, worried.

"Anything you want to watch?" Justin asked, as he flipped through the channels.

"No anything, you want to watch, is fine," Sam said, as she faced forward again.

Justin stopped on the news and Sam froze in her place. What if her brother was looking for her, would that mean it would be all over the news? What if Justin saw it and found out the truth?

"Actually, I was wondering, do you maybe want to go somewhere with me?" Sam asked, as she started to rise from the couch.

"Um, well I should probably talk to my aun-"

Sam pulled him off his seat and grabbed the remote. She switched off the television and pulled him out of the room. They walked into the dark hallway to his room. Sam opened the door and they both pushed into the tiny room.

Sam walked over to the wall closet. Skimming through the area, she spotted a messenger bag. She tossed the bag over to the teenager, who looked at her in shock.

"Fill that bag with everything, you would need, for about 2 months."

Justin opened his mouth to question her, but she simply rose her hand,

"Please, just don't ask questions."

Justin shrugged his shoulders and walked over to his closet.

Sam sat down on his comforter and looked over to the window next to the bed. She pulled the curtain away from the glass and peered outside. Everything seemed to be normal, nothing out of the ordinary.

Justin tapped her on the shoulder.

"Ready?" She asked, as she stepped off the bed.

Justin nodded his head, awkwardly. Sam grinned at him and then pushed past him.

"Where are we going?" Justin asked her, as he followed her down the hallway.

"Just follow me, there is no time to explain," Sam said, as she opened the front door.


Reed felt his head begin to buzz. He held his cranium as he sat up from the couch. Looking around the room, he began to grown suspicious. How did he just randomly fall asleep?

He stood up from the couch and walked down the hallway. Stopping in front of Sam's door, he grasped the handle. He turned it, slowly, and peered inside the room. He clenched his jaw, as he saw his little sister nowhere in sight.

He let out an aggravated breath and shut the door, firmly. He walked back down towards his baby sister's room and opened her door.

She sat on the wooden floor, playing with her dolls. Reed stepped inside and Cami looked up at him. He bent down on one knee and looked into her crystal blue eyes.

"Sweetie, did you see Sammi go anywhere?"

She shook her head, slowly,

"No, Reedy."

Reed rubbed his sister's curls and kissed her forehead,

"Thank you. Now, go back to your playing, cutie."

He towered back up and left the small girl in her room. He closed the door and walked back into the living room.

"So, you want to play this game? Well, you get your wish, my little Sammi," He whispered with a slight chuckle under his breath.


:) Hey guys! Here is a new chapter for you all. I loved writing it soo much! Haha and yes, technically Reed is the antagonist, now. :( Haha, I hope you all liked it! Please Comment and Review for me, I need it soo badly! (:

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