My Dad's Experience

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When my dad was a kid, he saw a demon. It happened one night at his parents house, and he was in the hallway. According to him, he saw a blob shaped demon with glowing eyes standing, or floating, down the hallway. Soon, my dad took off running towards his mom's bedroom door, but his mother was asleep. After that, he ran to his room and throw the covers over his head, but that didn't stop the demon. The demon grabbed my dad by the leg and tried to pull him off his bed, but my dad got the strength to get away from it.

After that, the demon didn't bother my dad until his Navy years. When my dad was in the Navy, he saw the exact demon he saw when he was a kid. Throughout those time, he'd been seeing it.

Now this happened back in 2010. It was around three in the morning and I couldn't go back to sleep. (When I was little I used to go to sleep early, but I always tend to wake up early in the morning) I was still in my bed just watching tv until I heard a deep low voice saying, "I'm going to get your dad." It sounded like it was next to the side of my bed, but it creep me out to the point I sit on my couch rocking back and fourth. As soon I turned my head towards the doorway, there it was. Pitch black with glowing eyes was all I saw, and then it went downstairs and into my parents room. I couldn't sleep throughout the night. I was worried about my dad, but when I told him. He acted like he didn't believe me, but I know he's afraid.

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