Chapter 27- Why can't I kiss you on the dance floor.

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*~*~Brody's P.O.V~*~*

I stroll through the desolate alley, my hands tucked into my jeans front pockets. My head is bowed down as I stare at my converse, a frown permanently etched onto my features. It has been for a few days. Since the incident with Natasha.

Every day since it had happened she had avoided me. At school. Out of school. She just wouldn't talk to me. Hell, she wouldn't even look at me properly. She wouldn't answer my calls or texts. It's as if I'm the plague and she'll get infected of she gets too close.

And it's kiling me.

But, technically speaking, it was really my fault. If i hadn't lied to her, and if I hadn't kissed her, and if I hadn't told her it was a mistake afterwards; then everything would have been fine. Just like before. But no. Being the dick I am I absolutely destroyed everything. And I have no one to blame but myself.

I don't know. I just don't know. I have no clue why I kissed her. Well, obviously because I like her. But, in that moment, I just had to. I don't know why, but I felt the need to feel her plump pink lips against mine. I wanted her to run her cute little hands through my hair as I gripped her waist tightly. It was as if she was luring me in, her eyes entrancing me. And I couldn't pull back. I tried, so, so hard to resist.

But I couldn't. I just couldn't.

And to top it all off, I said all those horrible things to her. I don't know what got into me. I guess I just had to come up with a good enough excuse for kissing her. But, because I'm so stupid, instead of making things better, I made them worse. I went there to apologize, but ended up giving myself another reason to say sorry. I hurt Natasha.

And I hate myself for it.

But I had to do it. In order to protect her. And that's what's keeping me sane. Knowing that I am doing all of this for her happiness.

Even if I'm hurting her in the process.

I want so desperately to be able to call her mine. To be able to kiss her whenever I wanted to. But that wasn't possible. Not with my Psychopathic ex after me.

Amelia. That bitch.

She was the reason I told Natasha it was a mistake. I remebered what she said, and I couldn't let that happen. I couldn't let Natasha get hurt because of me. I would never be able to forgive myself. So, I take it back. I blame Amelia too.

But, seriously speaking. Why did she kiss me back? She didn't like me like that. I was sure of it.

But then why did she kiss me? I really don't know. I can only assume. It was probably just a 'spur of the moment thing'.

Yes. That's what it was. It had to be.

That's how it has to remain.

Snapping me out of my thoughts, is the sound of a car horn being projected very loudly. Repeatedly. I look to my right to find the source of the ruckus, to find a suave black Mercedes parked on the side of the curb. The door opens and a feminine leg is thrown out of the car. With an extremely fake tan. She looks like she rolled out of a cheetos bag. And I'm not quite sure that she's actually wearing any shorts. Or a skirt. Or whatever could possibly be that short.

That is an extremely familiar looking car.

Please don't be her.

Please don't be her.

Please don't be her.


"Brody! Hey babe!" Screams an overly sweet, high pitched, girly voice.

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