Chapter 26- You don't own me.

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"If you love someone, let them go. If they truly love you, they will find a way back to you."

Sacrificing your happiness for the happiness of the one you love, is by far the truest type of love."

~*~*Natasha's P.O.V*~*~

At 2:53 am, I hear knocking on my window.

My eyes flutter open slowly as the knocking continues. Fear takes over me as I come to terms with the realization of what is actually happening. I fearfully lift the duvet off of my body, carefully and apprehensively standing up. I hesitantly begin to walk towards my window, grabbing the lampshade, from my bedside table on the way there. I near the window at a leisurely pace, sweat trickling down my forehead.

What if it's a rapist?

It's a rapist.

I'm doomed.

There is a pin drop silence as I painstakingly lift the curtains away from my windows. My breathing rate exceeds as I look up to find the source of the knocking. My breath hitches in my throat as I spot a hooded figure sitting on the branch on the tree right next to my window. I step back in fear; getting my weapon ready to attack as the hooded figure moves closer and closer to the window. I start to breath heavily, my body numb with distress. They lift their hands up to pull the hood down from their head, uncovering their face. My eyes widen more than saucers as the figure steps into the light; revealing their face.


He holds onto the same branch as before as he begins to frantically knock on the window. I see his lips move as he speaks, but I have no clue as to what he is saying; the glass window blocking his voice.

For a few moments, I just stand near the window; looking incredibly lost, trying to understand what just happened. And then, it dawns on me. I snap out of it and realize the situation.

Oh shit. It's Brody.

As if all of the gears in my brain suddenly start working, I hurriedly move to the window; unlocking it to give Brody access to my room.

He grabs the edge of the window sill and pulls his body inside; landing on the floor with a thump. He groans loudly as his Butt makes immediate contact with the floor. Very hard.

Ouch. That's gotta hurt.

I begin to giggle quietly, but stop when I hear the sound of my Mom coming from outside my door. "Natasha, are you OK sweetie? What was that noise?" I can hear the evident worry in her voice.

I struggle to form any coherent words, my mouth opening and closing like a fish. Brody chuckles beside me, clutching his stomach as he bursts into a fit of silent laughter. I send a glare in his direction, forgetting that I hadn't answered my Mom yet.

"Natasha! I'm coming in!" She shouts, and I can hear her jiggling the door handle in an attempt to enter my room.

"No!" I say as I run towards the door, and grab the door handle; stopping her from entering.

It's me and Brody, alone in a room. My bedroom to be specific. That doesn't look good, does it?

"Er....I....em.....", I stutter, gulping nervously.

What do I say? What do I say?

"You what?" My mom questions.

Come on. Come on. Think brain!

"I erm, I.....I tripped on my way to the toilet." I finally answer.


"You....tripped?" She asks, clearly unconvinced.

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