Chapter 22- Whipped like whipped cream.

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"Sweetheart, you need to rest, go to your room", my Mom orders as soon as I step into the living room.

I sigh loudly. "Mom, I'm fine, can I not watch some TV?", I whine childishly.

"Absolutely not", Brody answers for her. I turn my head in the other direction; raising an eyebrow in mock annoyance.

"Who's side are you on?", I question; placing a hand on my hip.

"Sorry Tash, you know I love you. Really, I do. But I'm with your Mom on this one. You need to rest", Brody replies smugly.

Some friend he is.

"Traitor", I mutter under my breath; apparently a little too loud.

"What was that?", Brody asks; cupping his ear with his hand.

"Oh, nothing of importance", I wave my hands around; brushing it away.

"That's what I thought", A smug smirk appears on Brody's face, and I want nothing more than to just wipe it right off.

Remind me again why I like him?

"You little-

"Ok, Ok, let's not", my mom intervenes in our little fight; standing in between us. I cross my arms over my chest; huffing in annoyance. "It was his fault", I blame.

"Excuse me, I-

"No, stop it you two. You're like Tom and Jerry. Only worse", Brody begins to speak, but is cut off by my mom.

"Mom, are you calling me a cat?", I question incredulously.

"No, sweetheart, I'm not", she replies;  the corners of her mouth tugging into a warm smile.

She tenderly places her hand on my shoulder, "I'm calling you a mouse", she says cheekily, whilst trying to suppress a laugh. My mouth drops open and my eyes widen in shock.

Excuse me?

"Ooh, burnnnnn!!", Brody cheers from beside me; clutching his stomach while doubling over in laughter.

I feel the love.

"Mommmm", I whine, "I'm not that small." Brody pats my head; ruffling up my hair, effectively ruining it more than it already was.

"I hate to break it to you babe, but you are", he smirks at me. I can't help myself, and before I know it, a blush creeps up my neck, and onto my face.

He called me Babe. The word rolls off his tongue so perfectly.

But seriously, he needs to stop smirking.

"Ok, Ok, cut it out now you two", my mom warns. I squat Brody's hand away from my head; 'accidentally' scratching him with my nails in the process. 

"Oww", Brody whinges; pouting like a baby.I let the corners of my mouth tug up into a sly smirk.

Payback's a bitch.

"Sorry, it was an accident", I lie; batting my eyelashes at him, a little too sweetly.

"Yeah,right,an accident", Brody says, clearly unconvinced.

"Natasha, baby, bed. Now", my mom commands.

"But mom-

"No but's, bed."

"Fine", I give in.

I begin to trudge up the stairs, but halt in my tracks at the sound of Brody's voice.

"Wait, can't I get a goodbye hug?"

I spin on my heel; frowning violently as I walk towards Brody.

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