Chapter 7- Ex's and Oh's.

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I gently place her down onto her living room couch, and watch her eyes flutter open, as she takes in her surroundings. She looks at me and begins to speak, "I fell asleep in the car again, didn't I?"

"Yep." I state. She laughs to herself, before turning back around to me again, and saying, "Thanks so much for everything today, Brody. I really do appreciate it.

"Hey, there's no need to thank me," I tell her with a smile on my face, "Anyway, I need to be off now, but I'll see you soon, yea?"

She smiles at me and nods, "I'll see you soon Brody, have fun doing whatever it is you're going to do, Bye," she says to me kindly.

"Bye Tasha," I respond, as I turn around, and walk towards my car.


I lock the door behind me, and am about to walk up the stairs into my room, until a figure in the living room catches my attention.

"What the hell are you doing here?!", I spit angrily to the girl sitting on my couch. She looks up to me with an apologetic expression on her face, before she respond to my previous query.

"I'm here to see you Brody, what else?"

"I don't want to see you or have anything to do with you, I tell her harshly. "

Brody, I'm so sorry, I realise now that you're the one I w-

"I don't care!" I cut her off, rage burning through me.

"I loved you, and you cheated on me. I realise now, that you're nothing but a liar, and I don't want anything to do with you. Now get out of my house, or I'll drag you out of here. She opens her mouth to respond, but I immediately interrupt.

"Now!" She looks at me, and stops for a second, until she realises that I'm not joking. She walks off towards the door, and leaves. I slam the door shut behind me, and run upstairs into my room.

How dare she?

How dare she have the nerve to come here, and tell me she still wants me?

No. I won't fall for her tricks again. I'm done with her.


Grabbing my phone from my table, I go through my pictures and delete every singe photo of me and her. Me and Amelia. She was my first real girlfriend. I really loved her. We dated for nearly two years, and it was all going so well, until one day I walked in on her doing the nasty with another guy. And the worst part? That guy, was my best friend. I couldn't bear to see them every day. At school, they would walk around holding hands, and I just couldn't take it anymore. So I moved cities. To Westbrook. My parents understood how I felt, and they agreed to move. I started going to Westbrook high about a 2 months after moving here. We had to get settled in and sort out the house, and my parents' jobs before I could do anything else. I offered to help them. And it worked, I got away from them, and I even got over her. But clearly, she couldn't leave me alone. How did she even get my address? Stalker. I wonder what made her want me back.

He was probably only using her as a conquest.

Serves her right. Now she can feel my pain. She can understand how I felt when she cheated on me.


Going through my pictures, I land on one of me and Natasha. She's pulling a silly facing, and I'm laughing at how hilarious she looks. A large smile creeps up onto my face as I remember the incident from this morning. Her face was so close to mine. And her eyes. Her beautiful green eyes, staring at me. In that moment, it felt like it was just me and her in the whole universe. And I couldn't deny the warm fuzzy feeling inside of me. What was happening to me?

Suddenly, I felt the need to talk to her, so I grabbed my phone, and sent her a quick text message.

Me: Hey, what you up to?

Her reply came almost instantly.

Natasha: Nothing much, just watching some Vampire Diaries. What about you?

Me: Nothing really, I was just about to go to sleep.

Natasha: Oh, well then I'll leave you to it. Goodnight Brody. Sweet dreams.

Me: Goodnight beautiful. Sweeter dreams.

I could just imagine her now. She was probably blushing like crazy , she always does when I compliment her. I can't believe that someone would even want to hurt her. When I saw Cameron hitting her. I just....I don't know what took over me, but I just had to. So I went there and beat the shit out of him. Literally. It's not just the fact that he hit Natasha. But the fact that he hit a girl. The little pussy. Hopefully, now he'll leave her alone.

I look at the time, and realise that it's almost midnight, so I decide to go to sleep. I get up and go to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and all that jazz, before I turn off the lights and snuggle into bed. It doesn't even take five minutes, and I am out.


It's been a week since the whole, 'Cameron beating up Natasha' incident. He still calls her stuff, but as soon as he notices me there, he turns around and walks the other direction. Pussy. However, that Vanessa girl won't leave her alone.She's always calling her names, and is always mean to her. I always see Natasha coming out of the girls toilets, and she always has bruises everywhere. It doesn't take a genius to know it was Vanessa. But every time I ask Natasha about it, she changes the question and avoids the topic. But I'm not just going to sit here and let Vanessa step all over her.

I am going to stop Vanessa.

But first, I need to find out why she does it. Only then do I actually stand a chance at stopping her. Even if it means I have to play her game.


Hi everyone!! I know this was a short chapter. But, it's only supposed to show you how Brody feels. The next one will be back in Natasha's p.o.v, and it will be much longer and much more eventful.

Anyway, thank you so much for reading this.

Ari x

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