Chapter 25: Pg 13 please.

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~*~*Natasha's P.O.V*~*~

I adjust my bag on my shoulder as I walk towards the entrance of the school. I scan the area to find that it is practically empty. There isn't anyone here. The school is close to desolate.

What did I expect?

I came in extra early today so that's probably why there's nobody here yet. The reason I came in extra early today was because I didn't want to have to face Brody. I was going to try my best to avoid him today. Key word being 'try'. He is in nearly all of my lessons. It ain't gonna be easy.

I was still mad at him. It was a mixture of two very different emotions; anger and hurt. I mean, put aside the fact that I like him. But why did he have to lie to me? I wasn't exactly going to rip his head off if he told me he was going shopping with his girlfriend. Sure, I'd still be as upset, because I really liked him and I hoped that maybe he might like me back, and maybe a teensy bit annoyed that he didn't bother to inform me of his sudden love interest. But I would not have been mad. I'm just his friend. It's his life. His choice. He can date whoever he wants to. I have no right over that. I would just have to accept the fact that he doesn't like me like that.

He didn't have to lie.

And isn't that what friendship is supposed to be?  To be able to rely on someone to be there for you when you need a shoulder to cry on? To be able to trust someone enough to tell them anything? To be able to trust them to support you in whatever you do? To be able to just trust them? Clearly he doesn't trust me enough as a friend, or even as a person, to tell me this kind of stuff. So why do I even bother? Why do I even try to build a friendship with someone who isn't going to trust me as a friend?


The sound of some cars pulling up into the school parking lot snap me back to reality. People begin to enter the main building; gradually increasing by the second.

Shit. I've been stood out here for a good fifteen minutes.

Pushing aside all of my depressing thoughts, I also begin to make my way inside the school building. I keep my face hidden with my hair; pushing it onto my face.

Can't let Brody see me.

He could have already gone inside and I wouldn't have even noticed.

As I enter the building, I quickly begin to speed walk into the direction of the lockers. Dodging several different students, I eventually near the corner of the hall where my locker is situated.

As I reach my locker; I swiftly punch in my locker combination, opening it with my free hand. I then grab all of the books that I would need for the day, and slam it shut behind me.

Spinning on my heel, I start to stride over to homeroom. The one period of the day that I don't share with Brody.


Getting closer and closer to the classroom; I pick up speed, willing my feet to move faster. I lift my head up for a mere millisecond to view my surroundings, before I look back to the floor. The coast is clear. No sign of Brody.

I am totally not nervous.

Note the sarcasm.

As I reach the door to my homeroom, I push it open quickly; keeping my eyes trained on my shoes as I take quick, long, strides. I then proceed to speedily walk inside, my head still bowed. I hurriedly go to the back of the classroom and take a seat in a chair at the corner. I place my bag on the floor; unzipping it quietly.

Gotta be discreet.

I take out a pencil and a piece of paper from my notebook; acting as if I am doing some work. I keep my eyes trained on the piece of paper; not even daring to look up.

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