Chapter 16- Mean girls and realisations.

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School the next day was, as always, such a delight.

Note the sarcasm.

We had a test in Geometry, which was unheard of to me. I probably wasn't paying much attention to our teacher when he told us about it. Nevertheless, I still aced it.

Ah. The perks of being a smartass.

There was nothing new in particular. Just the usual. Ya know, Walk into the school building alongside Brody. Get bitch glared at by the entire female population. Somehow manage to survive through a whole day of torture.

What. I don't have to enjoy school.

And finally, walk out of the school, to the parking lot, meet Brody by his car, and once again, get bitch glared at by the entire female population. It doesn't really affect me though. They can hate on me all they like. They aren't my friends. Not even my acquaintances. Therefore, I don't give two flying fucks what they think about me. Because quite frankly, I couldn't care less. I cannot emphasize enough the irrelevance of their opinions on my life. They're that irrelevant.

However, something different did happen to me today. I was standing by my locker, getting my books for my next lesson. And Vanessa and the cheerleaders walked past me. So, I was bracing for impact, just waiting for my books to get knocked out of my hands, while they taunted me with cruel remarks. But what actually happened, really shocked me to say the least. Vanessa did something that I had least expected. She smiled at me. An actual, genuine, friendly smile. And then they left, leaving me without a scratch. Which, believe it or not, is a first.

I guess my pep talk the other day really did work wonders.

So that leads me to now. I was currently lying on my bed, revising, while jamming out to The Vamps.

"Everybody's trying to be a millionaire, but every time I look at you, I just don't care! Cause all I wanna be, all I ever wanna be, eh, is somebody to you!"

Like I said. Everything Goals.

Just as I was bobbing my head to the beat of the music, I hear my phone ping. I pick it up and check to see that I have a message. From Leah.

Leah: Hey Chica!! How's it going?

Me: It's going well!! What about you? I miss you so much!

Leah: I'm great. I miss you more!

Me: I have nobody to fangirl with now! I doubt Brody would be interested! :(

Leah: We can still fangirl! Over Skype. Speaking of Brody, What's going on with you two?

Me:What do you mean? We're great friends.

Leah: Yeah, ok. Are you sure you're just friends?

Me: Yes

Leah: Ok then....

Me: What?!!

Leah: Nothing, anyway I have to go now. Got a business meeting with my Dad's Latest clients. Wish me luck. Bye xxx


As I end my conconversation with Leah, I can't help but dwell on her words. Do I really like Brody as more than just a friend?

Well, I always blush at his compliments.

I always get butterflies whenever he is around.

I always get tingles whenever he touches me.

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