Chapter 23- I'm friends with the monster.

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~*~Brody's P.O.V~*~

I walk down the cobbled pathway leading to the beautiful meadow behind the park. I walk past many different kinds of flowers; planted in every direction. As I reach my destination, I take a seat on the worn out Bench beside some orange trees. I check the time on my phone; awaiting the arrival of my acquaintance.

Setting my phone down on my lap; I look up and admire the beautiful view. Orange trees are dotted around on the fresh green grass. The moonlight's rays hit the pond perfectly; illuminating the water.

Looking up, I notice the millions and billions of stars dotted around on the shawl of darkness. They look like little fireflies, lighting up the night sky.

"Didn't think you'd come." A familiar high pitched voice diverts my attention away from the gorgeous scenery.

I turn my head around, and smile sweetly. "Neither did I", I reply.

She struts confidently towards me; he hips flirtatiously swaying with each step. Standing infront of me; she comes to a halt.

"Well, I'm glad you did."

"I'm not."

She sighs inwardly, raking her hands through her long blonde locks. She looks at me, desperation and another unknown emotion in her eyes.

Is that, guilt?

No. Why would she be guilty? She cheated on me.

Her Blue orbs bore into mine; attempting to engulf me in their beauty. But I don't let it work. The last time I did that, I got played, stabbed in the back.

And it hurt. Alot.

"Brody, listen, I-

"No, you listen to me", I cut her off.

However, despite the pain she caused me, despite her betrayal, something in me, was willing to forget.

To forgive.

Sure, she hurt me. And sure, she made me feel like crap. But, she was also part of some of the most amazing years of my life. She gave me two years of happiness. Two years of pure bliss. And that joy is enough to make me forgive her.

I can never love her the same, infact, I can't ever love her at all. I can't fully forgive her, but, I can forget and move on in life. I don't want to hold any grudges. And I certainly don't want to remember her as the girl who cheated on me.

I look up to Face Amelia; my lips tugging up into a sad smile.

"Look, Amelia. What you did, was completely out of order. Quite frankly, you destroyed me. You were the first girl I ever loved, and the first girl who I fully trusted. I confided in you, and you used it against me. You broke my trust, and you broke me. I'm going to sound like a pussy, but I cried for days after that. You made me feel worthless, unwanted, and just not needed. And I hate you for that-

"Brody, I'm sorry-

-but, for nearly two long years, you made my life so beautiful, so glorious. You made me feel like I was the only man you needed. You gave me joy, and love. And it was amazing-


-and thats why, I'm willing to forgive you for what you have done. Everyone makes mistakes, but everyone deserves a second chance. I'm over you Amelia, I've moved on. You should too. So, when we leave here today. Leave it all behind. The pain, the love, the happiness, the memories. The betrayal. Because I have a new purpose, I'm moving on, and I think you should be something I don't want to hold back." I finish.

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