Chapter 17

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"Blench, I think you need to give Brandon a proper explanation." Chloe said as she walked towards me.

Yeah, I should.

Brandon was still staring at me and Chloe when I walk towards him and pulled him out of the church.

Strong, cool winds welcome us.

"What exactly happened blench? What did Chloe mean by threaten?" Brandon asked, looking at me as if he is desperate of knowing.

"On that day when I know all the secrets, you know that particular day when I said that I do not want to see you ever again... I met Zion at a cafe and he wants me to marry him. But, I said no."

Of course, why would I say yes?

"Then, he said that I will regret. Right after the next day, I was almost stabbed and you were stabbed. So, I predict that he is the one who is behind it. Then, I went to confront him. You should know what happened next."

Yeah, practically that's it.

Brandon eyes is raging with anger. His body is all tensed up and look like as if he could beat up anyone at the next moment.

Oh no.

"How dare he do all these things. I'm gonna kill him." He shouted and I pulled him back.

"Brandon! No."

"Let go Blench." He said through his clenching teeth, trying to control his anger.

"Please don't! He just don't know who I am. If he know who I am, he wouldn't even want to marry me."

Then, he turned and face me.

"But, blench, he almost ruined your lifetime happiness. How could you be so stupid to do such a thing? Where's the brave, determined Blench Jansen I knew?"


After a moment of silence, he started to speak again.

"Blench, marry me."


I looked at him, confused. What did he just say?

"After what had happened all these time, I realised that you're the right girl that I want to be for my entire life. So marry me, Blench Jansen." He said.

Marry him? That's ridiculous. If it's in the past, I would marry him. But, not now. I haven't even call off the current wedding that I had with Zion, I haven't even absorbed what i just learnt about the secret and he is asking me to marry him?

"Brandon, not now," I said and he looked hurt.


"I'm sorry, Brandon. I will give you a proper explanation the another time. But, the answer is still no." I said and went in to the church again to settle the mess.

One week later

Today is Chloe and my birthday. Even tough the so-called wedding is settled, Zion is you know, friends with Chlo again because he didn't threaten me. Gladys is the one who is behind everything. Everything settled perfectly fine, I do not need to attend school for Chloe anymore, I still can't be as happy as I used to be. Even the news of me being accepted to Manchester medical school still can't cheer me up.

This morning Chloe asked me to go shopping with her. Well, since I have no plans for the day, I agreed.

We passed by the cinema that Brandon and I went for our first date. The date where we watched 22 jump street, where I laughed as if no one is even there and the day where I still have an innocent mind. But, everything is too late. Time can't rewind.

"Blench!" Chloe shouted, breaking my thoughts.

"Huh? What is it?"

"Did you hear what I said earlier?"


"Sorry, what did you say?"

"Well, I said that it's time for us to go home."

So fast?

I took a glance at my watch and it's 5.30 in the evening already.

"Okay, let's go."

Along the way, I decided to tell Chloe that I'm going to study in the medical school in Manchester. The flight is tomorrow.

"Chlo," I said.


"I..." before I could say anything, I was surprised by the amount of crowd at home and a banner stating 'happy birthday'


Chloe was smiling at me and pushing me in to the house.

"Brandon organized everything," Mum said.

Brandon? I glanced around the house and Brandon was standing there.

I don't know why, but at that time I only feel irritated, not joy. I told Brandon to give me time! Why wouldn't he listen and organised so many things?

"Blench?" Chloe said since I wasn't responding.

"Leave me alone." I said and went in to my bedroom, banging the door.

I'm turning 22 after my birthday. I'm leaving for Manchester tomorrow. Urgh, what should I do?

Suddenly, there's a knock from the door and it's Chloe.

"Hey, baby sister, what's wrong?" She asked.

Maybe I should tell her now.

"Chlo, I have been accepted by Manchester medical school and I'm leaving tomorrow."

She was shocked and sat beside me.

"Well, Blench that's good news. Do Brandon know about it yet?" She asked.

"No. I don't intend to tell him, since i asked him to give me space."

"But blench, you're not being fair to him like that. You know, he loves you. Even blind people could see that."

I know... but, i just need time to absorbed what had happened lately.

"Chloe, just don't tell him. please..."

"Fine.. but you will have to go out with me and celebrate our birthday together."

Well, that's not a difficult request...

"Let's go!"

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