Chapter 10

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All of us were busy with final exams. Urgh, chloe. I'm doing the paper for you. If I got a distinction, you are so going to treat my food for your entire life.

Today is the last day of final exams and our form teacher came into the class.

"Guys, after the exams, it's party time!" She shouted and everybody become so wild. Like seriously.

"We need one person to represent the class and fight for the dancing queen position. Who would like to volunteer?"

What? Dancing Queen? Oh....

Out of the blue, Gladys raised her hands and nothing good always come out from her.

"I have a suggestion!" She said and everybody attention turned to her.

"I remember Chloe could dance very well. Why not let her be the class representative?" Then, everybody attention turns to me.

Erm, what? I can't dance...

"What do you say, Chloe?"

I was frozen. I do not know what to say. The Chloe they know could dance very well, but not me.

"Erm..." I stammered.

"Just agree with it!" Brandon shouted. He is so gonna get it from me.

"Okay?" I said.

Wait, did I just say okay?!

"Then it's all set! The party will be at next Saturday. Have fun!" She said.

Urgh.... I don't know how to dance!

The thoughts of me dancing, screwing up the stage and embarrassing myself in front of everyone bothered me until end of school. What should I do?

"Hey, pig!" Someone shouted from behind and ruffled my hair. Instantly I know who it is.


"Stop calling me a pig, you idiot! You have been calling me pig since the camp." I said annoyingly, rolling my eyes.

"But a pig is cute!"

Upon hearing that, I blushed. Is he saying me cute?

"But pig eats a lot too and they are fat." He said, breaking my thoughts.


I punched him at his chest

"Who are you calling fat?" I said. Stupid, idiot, dumb and annoying. Urgh...

"Fine, I'm sorry okay... anyway, Congrats on being the class representative." He smirked.

Right, about that! He's getting it from me.

"About that, don't bother talking. I'm in huge trouble right now."

"Why?" He asked.

"I don't know how to dance! You know why..." I said and he laughed.

"Stop laughing!" I pout and walked away until he stopped me.

"Hey, I could teach you to dance, you know."

Erm, did I just hear what he said? Him? Teaching me dancing?

"Are you kidding me?" I asked ad I turn around to face him.

"Well, believe me, or not, it's up to you. I'll send you the date and time and address. It's up to you whether you want to come or not." He said and walked away. What....

Later that night, I received a text message from Brandon. It stated that I have to meet him at a dance studio tomorrow Called Irving's studio.

Hmmm.. I wonder.

The next morning, I went to the place and oh my holy fudge, it was so huge like a grand castle. There is a reception at the first floor with a huge chandelier hanging above. From below, I could see many rooms, which I guessed it's the room for dance practices.

Brandon was nowhere to be seen but the lady at the reception walked towards Me when she sees me entering the studio.

"Excuse me, Are you miss Jansen? She asked.

Erm, how does she know....

"Yes." Is all that I could say.

"Come, let me bring you to your room."

My room? What about Brandon?

I followed her to the elevator and guess what, this studio has a total of fifteen floors. She took me to the sixth floor and bring me to a room, stating that it is only for VIP.

Erm, what? Did she bring me to the wrong place?

Just outside, I could hear loud music from inside. Then she turns the doorknob and asked me to go in.

The moment I went in, I saw Brandon in his dance suit dancing. Beside him, there are older women.


Once Brandon saw me, he stopped and walked towards me.

"So, you're here after all." He said.

"I just do not want to humiliate myself in front of so many people," I said.

"Really..." he smirked and I gave him a death stare.

"Anyway, this is your dance instructor." He said and looked towards the direction of the older women.

My dance instructor?

"I thought you would be the one who teaches me how to dance?" I asked.

Practically, that's what he said.

"Do you really want me to?" He asked, getting closer to me.

"Erm, no!" I said escaping his gaze. And so, the dance practices for the week begins...

Last day of the dance practice

"So, today is your last day. Do you still remember what I have taught you?" Mrs. Johnson, my instructor asked.

These few days have been hell... we have been practicing waltz and ballet. I think? It's that what it is called? Hehe...

"Well, I hope she remembers. I do not want her to fall down again. Like what she did in the first few days of class." Brandon smirked.

Ha! Try me again, you idiot.

But, despite that, Brandon has been my dance partner. I couldn't believe but he is indeed a great dancer. He seems to become a nicer guy during these days.

Urgh, stop thinking about it. Focus, focus!

"I do remember," I said.

"Good. I hope you would do your best tomorrow. Good luck." She said and gave me a hugged.

Yeah, I hope so... so the day is coming.

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