Chapter 25

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10 hours ago

Blench's POV

I had a terrible headache and I'm shivering. I woke up and found out that it is three in the morning and today is the day that I will marry my most annoying boyfriend. But, I am not feeling very well and I'm sweating despite the strong wind from the air conditioner. Next, I touched my forehead and great, I'm having a fever. I decided to wake Chloe up to drive me to the 24 hour clinic since I'm not suitable to drive in this condition.

"Chlo," I whispered and gently tap her shoulder. She groaned and slowly open her eyes.

"What is it?"

"Can you drive me to the 24-hour clinic? I'm not feeling very well." I asked and immediately she sits up.

"Boy, I guessed its some excessive amount of wedding jitters you have! Cmon, let's bring you to the clinic." She said and both of us hit the road.

Chlo and I talked while we are on our way and she keeps asking me if I'm okay. Well, all I could done was to nod my head. I was getting more and more uncomfortable and I'm fading in and out of consciousness. I can't! I have to stay awake. Suddenly, I heard Chloe scream and than, everything was gone.

Chloe's POV

I woke up in pain. Everywhere is aching. Blench is lying beside me, head bleeding and we are upside down, trapped in the car. I tried to call Blench and she didn't respond. No! I have to get the both of us out first and call the ambulance! I tried to pull Blench out of the car and lay her on the ground. I tried to call her once again.

"Blench! Blench! Wake up!" I shouted - No respond. Then, I wanted to call the ambulance until I realized my phone was crashed. Shit! Think, think!

"Anybody? Anybody! Help! Help!" I shouted and looked around the surrounding. We are on a small road and our car is crashed and smoke is coming out. The car who hit us was there too but the driver was nowhere to be seen. It still night time and nobody is there. I can't help bit started to cry. I'm scared.

"Help!" I shouted. Suddenly, I feel light headed and everything went black.

10 hours later

"You are kidding me right?" I asked in disbelief and tears started to form at the brim of my eyes.

"Chloe..." Zion said trying to calm me down.

"Just because of an incident and she become blind? That's hilarious!" I said and the three of them had a worried face, looking at me.

"No, I have to go and see her," I said trying to get off the bed until they stop me again.

"You can't go there yourself! You are injured as well, Chloe, bear in mind with that! We will go with you." Zion said and slowly carry me up from the bed while Eve went to get the wheelchair. They claimed that I am too weak to walk.

Zion pushed me to blench Ward while Eve and Vanessa followed behind. She's in the intensive care unit. Which is not a good thing.

"You ready to go in?" Zion asked when we are at the doorstep of blench ward. Taking a deep breath and nodding my head, zion opens the door.

The door open and I saw mom and Brandon there. Both of them looked tired, worried, sad and many more negative emotions. But, they were shocked when they saw me.

"Chloe, you are awake!" Mom shouted and run over to hug Me. She had tears in her eyes.

"Mom!" I shouted finally letting out all my emotions in her embrace.

"What exactly happens? Why are the both of you involve in an accident?" She asked and I told her the whole story. Next, I went to see blench. Her head is bandaged and have numerous tubes Poking through her skin. She's breathing heavily and her face is bruised. Her left arm was casted.

Looking at her in this state let me broke down. I have ruined my sister and her fiance wedding. I've let Brandon down. I stood up from the wheelchair and went to apologize to Brandon. He's shocked when I apologized to him yet he said that it's not my fault. Yeah, speech of comforting.

I slowly walk out of the Ward alone while Zion shouted for me from behind.

"Go away, Zion!" I shouted but yet, he keeps up with my speed and hugged me in his embrace. His familiar scent of Cologne...

Wait, what?! What is he doing?

"What are you doing?!" I shouted and escaped his embrace.

"I will not let go of you." He said and hugged me tightly again. Yet again, I escaped.

"We have already broken up! I'm not your anyone anymore. So stop!" I shouted and cried. Thinking of the scene of betrayal...

"I'm the one who should ask you to stop! You left your sister Ward without a word and ignored those who are also concern about you. My... my heart shattered seeing you in this state!"

Heart shattered? Ha!

"How could I not be sad seeing my sister like this? I caused her to be like that. I ruined her wedding! I ruin everything. She sacrifices herself for me yet, I do nothing to repay instead ruining her happiness. I let everybody down. I..."


The last word I could hear Is Zion calling for me.

Brandon's POV

After Chloe and Zion left, the rest of us left behind in blench Ward, hoping for her to wake up soon.

Suddenly, blench is breathing heavily with her oxygen mask and the monitor beside her started to become irregular and soon, a flat line.

"Blench!" All of us shouted and I went beside her, grabbing her hand.

"Call Wilson now!" I shouted but before anyone went to call him, he appeared.

He rushed towards blench side and checked on her while the nurses who came in with Wilson is preparing the Defibrillation.

"150! Clear!"

"200! Clear!"

"250! Clear!"

"300! Clear!"

No no no...

Out of the sudden, Wilson stopped. Slowly, turning towards the nurses.

"Prepare the death certificate." He said to the nurses and the nurses left the room.

Death certificate?! No! She is not dead!

"Why are you preparing the death certificate? She is not dead!" I shouted, filled with rage.


"Give me the defibrillation!" I went to take it but I was stopped by everyone. Including, mum.

"Calm down Brandon!" Wilson said.

How can I calm down?!

"She's not dead! SHE CAN'T BE DEAD! She has promised not to leave me!" Tears started to fall. She can't die.


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