Chapter 12

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Brandon's POV

She's stunning. She's beautiful. She took my breath away. The moment she stood on stage and dance, she became different. Way different.

I was watching her all along until I realized that there are beads shattered on the floor. She is going to fall! I flustered up the stage and carried her. She was shocked. Not to ruin her performance, I danced with her. She looked oh-so-beautiful. Especially when she was twirling.

The song ends and we were face to face. I have to urge to kiss her soft lips again. And I did.

"You did great," I said and walked away.

I took a cup of champagne along the way and walk to the balcony. Strong winds gushed through me and looking at the city skyline, I can't help but think why I would want to kiss her over and over again. Did I really fell in love with her? But, I can't.

Suddenly, someone from behind called me and it's blench.

"Hey, you did great. you..."

"Why did you kiss me?" She asked, breaking off my sentence.

I wanted to find an answer to that too.

"Why did you kiss me, not once but twice?" She asked again. I don't know how to answer her. I looked away from her and sip my champagne until she knocked over the champagne and started asking the same questions.

"Do you really want to know?!" I shouted, getting frustrated.

She looked shocked and she has started crying. A rare scene of blench Jansen.

"It is because I love you. I love you, Blench Jansen!"

Great, the answer has been found. I really do love her.

"You're totally different from your sister, Chloe. I love your brave, open personality. You make Me go wild. Do you know when you almost fell, how worried I am? I love to tease you because I love to see your angry looks. I was the first one who knows that you're not Chloe. And, I haven't told you How I know it. Tonight, I'm going to tell you. I..."

I have been stopped by her once again but this type of something different.

"Shut up." She said and kissed me. She kissed me! Her soft lips once again.

Don't know for how long, we break our kiss and both of us were smiling. She's still crying.

"Hey, you look ugly when you cry," I said. Teased her again.

She looked annoyed and tried to punch me until I grabbed her hands and said that I love her. Yes, I have known my definite answer.

After that, we went back inside, hand in hand. Eve and Vanessa were running towards us.

"Chloe! You won the position of the dancing queen! And, Brandon, good job on what you did out there." They said.

Ha! Right.

"Come on! Let's go and receive your prize!" And, they dragged blench away. I stood there and watch her. She looked so happy and her hard work had paid off.

But we can't be together yet. I haven't told her about me. I'm not just Brandon. Let's put that aside first.

After that, blench and the girls drank so much and got drunk. I guessed I have to drive her home.

"Let's bring you home," I said and blench cling to me like a koala bear. Cute. But, I was stopped by Zion at the doorway.

"Ill bring Chloe home." He said.

Chloe? Right...

"It is okay. I will bring her home." I said. She's my girlfriend right now. I guess?

"Its none of your business now. Chloe was mine and will always be." Zion said and tried to snatch blench.

Chloe? Your Chloe is lying in the hospital, asshole!

But, he didn't manage to snatch her away. Guess what happened? When Zion was snatching her she suddenly woke up and started slurring her words.

"Ido..iut... trying to sleep heere..." and kicked Zion.
Way to go blench!

"I'm sorry, Zion. I'm bringing her home." I said And before I left, I could see Zion pissed off a face.

So, I drove blench home. She's sleeping away in the car and she looks so cute when she sleeps.

Once we reached her house, I carried her and pressed the doorbell, waiting for Mrs. Jansen to open the door.

"Blench?" She said.

"Hi, Mrs. Jansen. Blench got drunk at the party so I brought her home." I said. She seems to be in shock since I know her real name.

"Thanks. You are?" She asked.

I can't tell her my real name.

"Brad," I said.

"Oh, you just look so familiar. Thanks anyway." She said and I left.

That was a close call.

Oh no? What is it? Why can't Brandon tell Mrs. Jansen his real name? And why did Mrs. Jansen say that he looked familiar? Find out more in the following chapters!

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