Chapter 6

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Blench's POV

Damn him... literally Damn! He kissed me. Literally kissed me. He stole my first kiss! I regretted not able to react faster so that I could punch him in the face straight away.

I was in a shock when he suddenly kisses me. And, by the time I recover from the shock, he's gone.

He is so gonna get it from Me. Stupid idiot Brandon! Urghhhhh... I hate him.

Next morning in school.

I went to school as usual in the morning in the name of my sister, Chloe Jansen.

Vanessa and Eve were sticking with me like a stick pad which is usual because they are the best friend of my sister. Eve seems to forget about The wallet incident.

Just when I was about to walk into the class, Gladys and her gangs blocked my way.
She looked very pissed off.

"You're not going anywhere little brat." She said.

How dare she call me a brat? But never mind, I remain silent. Everybody was starting to form crowds around us.

"Why are you not talking? Did you lost your voice?" She smirked.

Silence continues.

Then, she stops talking. But, she starts fighting.

She was about to punch me until I realized and Dodge her.

"Stay away Eve, Vanessa," I said and reassured them as I squeezed their hands.

"How dare you!" Gladys shouted and starts fighting again.

This time, she attempts to give me a kick. But, sadly, I was the one who kicked her and made her collapse on top of a girl who is in her gang.

Everybody was overwhelmed when they saw I know martial arts and fought back. Because the Chloe they knew do not know these and she will only run and cry.

"Do you want some more?" I asked as I smirked at Gladys.

"Hmph!" And she stomped away.

I wonder what happen to her. Did she eat some medicine that made her crazy today?

"How did you do that?" Eve and Vanessa asked as they walk towards me, expression shocked.

Erm... great, how am I supposed to explain.

"I... well, erm..."

Someone help me...

"I brought her to learn some self-defence moves since she lost her memories. Well, you know she needs to be more be careful." A voice behind said.

Wait... that voice.

"Looks Like you paid attention to the classes, Chloe."


I was speechless, or should I say I was fuming mad for what he did last night.

"Wow! Why didn't you tell us?" Eve said.

"I'm sorry..."

That's all I can say.

Suddenly, someone pulls me away from the crowds and to a corner. And I realized it's Zion.

"What are you doing?" I said, in a pissed off tone.

Well, thank you, Brandon.

"Are you dating Brandon?" He asked.

Erm, what?! Excuse me... how would I date such a guy?


"Then why did I saw him outside your house with you and the both of you are kissing and defense you today and another thing, he seems to know you better than I am." He shouted.

Hey! Whats wrong with him? He Is not my boyfriend or anything. Besides, sis already broke up with him.

"Mind what you're saying, Zion. You're not anyone to me. You have no rights to interfere in whatever I do." I said and he looks at me with his sad eyes.

Suddenly, he held my hand so tightly and push me towards him so closely as he is about to kiss me. I was struggling.

"Stop it, Zion!" I shouted and gave him a slap and run away.

Zion's POV

I was about to see if Chloe is at home. But, when I was walking towards her house, I saw Brandon kissing her.

How dare he! Go away from my girl!

He used to bully Chloe a lot and we often fight because I have the right to protect her. But, after Chloe lost her memories, Brandon seems to change his attitude towards her.

I got the urge to run towards them and stop them from kissing. But, the scene when Chloe wants to break up with me flashed back in my mind.

I think I have the right to free her heart and let her choose whom she wants to be with.

The next morning, there was a huge crowd forming outside the class. I was curious about what is going on so I went into the crowds and to my horror, I saw Chloe dodging Gladys hits and instead, Chloe hit her back.

Since when does Chloe have the guts to fight back?

I totally was brain freeze. Until eve and Vanessa asked her. They were shocked too. But, jealousy strikes me when Brandon walk towards the girls and speak for Chloe. I can't stand it anymore.

I, too walk towards the girls and pull Chloe away, to a corner.

"Are you dating Brandon?" I asked.


"Then why did I saw him outside your house with you and the both of you are kissing and defense you today and another thing, he seems to know you better than I am," I shouted.

I am too mad.

"Mind what you're saying, Zion. You're not anyone to me. You have no rights to interfere In whatever I do." She says, looking pissed off.

My heart instantly shattered when she says this. I am someone to her. I am her boyfriend. Ok, maybe ex.

I can't stand it anymore.

I hold her hands so tightly and push her so close to me and was about to kiss her until she gives me a slap. Like what she did when Gladys kiss Me.

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