Chapter 13

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Kadence (Kay)

"Bae i'm going to miss you so much work hard ok."

"I'm going to miss you too sweetheart, but I gotta follow my dreams and take care of my family I'll be back in a week I promise love."

"Ok and I want you to know how proud of you I am babe. No one works as hard as you do with football and in life you are always trying to make sure we want and need nothing and for that I love you. "

"I love you to ma and while I'm gone make sure you and my son is good and make sure your assignments are completed because you are half way there babe."

" Alright babe we will be good now go before you miss your flight I love you and go impress some coaches."

"Love you too baby love you son."

"Love you you to daddy."

When Odell left I started my essay for my Human Anatomy class. I had to write about the human digestive system and how it works. Its going to be hard without Odell being here because I've never had to watch Pharaoh that long by myself, but he's my baby so I know i'll be fine.

"Mommy.... mommy.... mommy... mommy!!" Pharaoh said in a whiny voice.

"Yes honey what do you need?"

"I'm bored play with me. Where's daddy? He can play with me I wanna talk to him." Pharaoh said irking my last nerve.

"Here i'll call him for you but don't interrupt mommy baby i'm trying to finish the last bit of my essay then I will be all yours ok."

Dialing Daddy Dell ❤️😏🏈👅💦

Daddy Dell ❤️😏🏈👅💦: Hey baby what's wrong I just left.

Wifey ❤💍️🍑: Pharaoh wanted to talk to you and I'm doing homework so I said why not.

Daddy Dell ❤️😏🏈:Alright let me talk to little man I love you baby

Wifey ❤💍️🍑: ok and I love you too.

I gave Pharaoh the phone so I could finish up my essay. He and Odell talked for 30 minutes then I was done with my project. Odell said he had to hang up because they were about to take off.

"Ro you're going to see grandma tomorrow because mommy has school."

"Yay I go to grandma house I love her house." Ro beamed with excitement.

"You wanna bake cookies with Mommy then we can go to the park."

"Yes mommy I wanna make chocolate chip cookies."

"Let's make a video and send it to daddy."

Ro and I got out all the ingredients to make cookies. We preheated the oven then started mixing and baking. The cookies were done within 30 mins. Ro and I let them cool the ate one. After we cleaned up the mess we sent the video to Odell.

"Ma I'm ready to go to the park."

"Alright let me put on my shoes then we're good to go."

Ro and I made to the park after listening to 3 songs and a few stop lights.

"Stay close by Ro don't bully any kids and stay where I can see you."

"K mommy love you."

"Love you too."

As I was watching Ro play I got a text from Odell.

Daddy Dell ❤️😏🏈: I just wanted see how y'all were doing I'll call you when I get in and I love you babe.

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